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Grades, Rules and Regulations

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Grades, Rules and Regulations 

Uniform Recommended Grading System
A student may earn five letter grades on the basis of his/her performance in a course. The letter grades A, B, C, and D are considered passing grades. The grade F is the failing grade. The numerical equivalents of the grades are as follows:

Numerical Scores
Letter Grade
Grade Point
80% and above
75% to less than 80%
70% to less than 75%
65% to less than 70%
60% to less than 65%
55% to less than 60%
50% to less than 55%
45% to less than 50%
40% to less than 45%
Less than 40%

F* Failure

U* Unsatisfactory

I** Incomplete

P*** Pass

R** Repeat/Retake

S*** Satisfactory

W** Withdrawal

*A 0 grade point in F Letter Grade is applied only for the calculation of the grade point average.
** Credits for courses with these grades do not apply towards graduation and are not used for the calculation of the grade point average.
*** Credits for courses with these grades are required for graduation but are not used for the calculation of the grade point average.

Re-Scrutiny of Scripts of Final Examinations

  1. Re-evaluation of Scripts of Final Examinations is not allowed.
  2. Re-Scrutiny (i.e. any possible error/omission in marking or counting) of Scripts of Final Examinations is only allowed.
  3. If any change of grade is required that must be done by the faculty concerned within 7 (seven) days of the next semester through Department Chairperson and the Dean, to the Controller of Examinations.
  4. If any faculty member is not available, Departmental Academic Committee will authorize one faculty member for re-scrutiny of Scripts and Change of Grades (if applicable).
  5. Delayed Grade submission will require the Vice Chancellor’s approval before it is entered into records.
  6. A security deposit of Tk.200 will be charged on the students as Re-Scrutiny Fee for re-scrutiny of each Script of Final Examinations. If it is found that the error/omission was done by the faculty member concerned, the amount will be refunded to the concerned student.

Grade Report

Grade Reports are recorded and prepared by the Office of the Controller of Examinations and mailed to guardians soon after the end of each semester. Students are solely responsible for their academic progress and should contact their academic advisors as soon as possible if their performance is unsatisfactory. Failure to maintain satisfactory progress can lead to the cancellation of financial aid, academic probation, dismissal, or other equally serious consequences.

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) 

EWU students are evaluated on CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). Cumulative Grade Point Average earned by a student is the numerical value obtained by dividing the total grade points earned in a semester by the credits attempted for the semester. Only courses graded A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, and F are used to determine credits attempted.

In case students repeat courses, GPA and CGPA will be calculated on the basis of the grades obtained in the last attempt of the course(s) only. Grades obtained in all courses will be shown in the grade report.

Moreover, students who complete courses in addition to their normal credit requirements for graduation will inform the Registrar in writing about the courses, which s/he intends not to declare for consideration towards the requirements for the degree.

Additional courses are not counted in GPA and CGPA Calculation.

Probation and Dismissal

Students of Undergraduate Programs whose CGPA will be between 1 and 2.25 after the first two or any subsequent semesters, will be placed on probation for the next two semesters. Failure to raise their CGPA to at least 2.25 after the probation period (irrespective of whether s/he is a regular student or remains absent without authorization) will lead to dismissal from the university. If a student’s CGPA falls below 2.25 subsequently, he/she will again be placed on probation. Student who are on probation or subject to dismissal are not allowed to drop a semester or to take leave of absence.

Students of Graduate Programs with a CGPA of less than 2.60 are placed on probation and allowed maximum two consecutive semesters to raise their CGPA to 2.60 or above. Students of Graduate Programs who fail to achieve a CGPA of 2.60 within the probation period of two consecutive semesters are dismissed from the program.

Academic Dismissal

An Undergraduate Student whose CGPA falls below 1.0 after the first two or any subsequent semesters, will be automatically dismissed from the university. Students who fail to raise CGPA to satisfactory levels during the probation period will face dismissal from the university.

Remedial Course may be required for students on the basis of their score in the English part of the Admission test. Students who fail to pass in remedial courses in two attempts will be placed on probation.

A student dismissed on academic ground (s) may be allowed to be admitted in another program of this university on qualifying the Admission Test for that program.

Incomplete (I) Grade

The “Incomplete” (I) grade may be used in special circumstances. The “Incomplete” may be given only at the end of a semester to a student who has completed all other requirements except appearing in the final examination without further class attendance. The instructor must file with the Office of the Controller of Examinations an Incomplete Grade Form describing the work to be completed.

The student has the sole responsibility to take the initiative in making up the requirements for the Incomplete grade as specified by the instructor. If action is not taken within one week of the commencement of the next semester, the “I” grade will automatically be converted to “F”, otherwise the “I” grade will revert to the tentative final grade (the final grade becomes an “F” if no tentative grade was assigned). In the event where the instructor from whom a student received an incomplete grade is not available, the disposition of the case involving an incomplete grade resides with the respective Dean of Faculty.

The concerned Instructor must submit the Incomplete (I) Grade within one week of the next semester through Department Chairperson and the Dean, to the Office of the Controller of Examinations.

Delayed Grade submission will require Vice Chancellor’s approval before it is entered into records.

Usual submission of Grades by an Instructor shall be done as per Academic Calendar through proper channel.

Withdrawal (W) Grade

The grade “Withdrawal” (W) is assigned when a student officially drops a course within the date mentioned in the Academic Calendar for the semester.

Retake Policy

  1. A student will be allowed to retake as many courses as he/she wants, but students will be allowed to retake a particular course only once with any grade he/she earned previously.
  2. A student with ‘F’ Grade(s) in a course(s) may Retake the same any number of times to pass within the time limit allowed for Graduation. In case of repeating a course due to ‘F’ grade, the ‘F’ grade of previous attempt(s) will be converted to ‘R’ grade and the grade of last attempt will be counted in CGPA.
  3. A student using the advantage of Retake Policy, shall not be eligible for getting Gold Medal/Award/ Distinction.

Students who wish to retake a course must obtain previous written permission of the Chairperson of the Department concerned. They will have to register for the course again and will be required to pay the usual tuition charges including lab (if applicable) and other fees. 

Academic Honesty

There is a policy of zero tolerance on cheating. Any form of cheating such as copying any document or another person’s work, seeking or providing help to other students during tests, or adopting any other form of unfair means during exams, will constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Instructors are expected to use reasonably practical means of preventing and detecting cheating. Any student found to be cheating will be reported to the Dean of

concerned faculty by the relevant faculty member for disciplinary action.

Leave of Absence

Leave of absence or dropping a semester may be granted for up to three consecutive semesters/ one academic year to a student in good academic standing (not to those on academic probation or subject to dismissal). A student applying for a leave of absence must give a defi nite semester for re-registration and must register in the following semester, immediately after the leave period. A leave of absence is granted through the Dean of Concerned Faculty.

However, if a student after completing the first semester of probation (1 out of 2 semesters), asks for leave/drop, on extreme compassionate ground he/she may be granted leave/drop for the 2nd semester of probation considering his/her improved result achieved in the first semester of probation. Attending and completing the first semester of probation is mandatory for any student whatever may be the case.

A student who does not return for re-registration at the specified semester will be classified as “Officially Withdrawn” and must apply for readmission to the Registrar.

Students who are on probation and remain absent without prior permission, may, in some special cases, be allowed leave by the Vice Chancellor maximum for one semester with his discretion with 20% penalty of 9 credits tuition fees.

Students, who are in good academic standing (CGPA 2.25 or above in Undergraduate Programs and CGPA 2.60 or above in Graduate programs), but remain absent without prior permission, may, on compassionate ground, be approved leave of absence by the Vice Chancellor with penalty as follows:

  1. Leave of absence for one semester with penalty of 20% of the 9 credits tuition;
  2. Leave of absence for two consecutive semesters with penalty of 30% of the 9 credits tuition; and
  3. Leave of absence for three consecutive semesters with penalty of 40% of the 9 credits tuition;

If the span of the unauthorized absence exceeds three consecutive semesters/one academic year no permission shall be accorded and the student will be “Officially Withdrawn” from the university.

A newly admitted student, on compassionate ground, might be granted leave of absence for the first semester with a deferment fee of Tk.3, 000/- (or as fixed time to time) whether he/she has applied for leave, deferment or drop/withdrawal of the first semester. Such leave of absence for the first semester would be granted by the Pro-Vice Chancellor and if the student concerned does not continue from the 2nd semester his/her admission shall be cancelled and he/she shall be dismissed from the university. Application for deferred admission will be accepted upto the last day of dropping a course/semester with 85% refund.