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Message from Director, IQAC

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Greetings from the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University (EWU), Bangladesh.

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is established in every public and private university of Bangladesh to develop a mechanism for systematic reviews of study programs, and to ensure quality teaching-learning, research, knowledge generation and support services standards at an acceptable level. Understanding the emerging need of quality in tertiary education, the IQAC was established at East West University (EWU) on January 12, 2016. EWU is committed to excellence and innovation in learning, teaching, and research and continuously strives to improve its learning environment and update its curricula. The IQAC is assisting in centralizing quality assurance activities at EWU.

The IQAC assures the stakeholders-students, faculty, administrative staff, quality circle members, funding agencies and society in general - of the accountability and transparency in the quality management system of the institution. The IQAC is responsible for ensuring that the quality assurance policies and procedures of the university are robust and effective in maintaining and monitoring the standards of academic awards and supporting the enhancement of teaching, learning and research experiences in the university.

I am very pleased to state that since January 2019, IQAC has become a permanent educational wing of East West University. Working as an independent center, it is dedicated to the greater improvement of the university. I look forward to your valuable support and cooperation in this new journey of IQAC. With your support and kind cooperation, IQAC at EWU can become a pioneer in Higher University Education in Bangladesh.

Professor Dr. Sufia Islam
Director, IQAC, EWU