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Scholarships & Financial Assistance

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Generous Scholarships and Financial Assistance: 11 Crores

  • Annual scholarships


Financial Assistance:

  • General
  • Family Concession
  • Freedom Fighter’s Scholarship
  • The Medha Lalon Fund
  • Assistance for EWU Employees

Scholarships and Financial Assistance (Effective from Spring Semester 2025 onwards)

Since its inception, East West University has been awarding merit scholarships and need-based financial assistance to deserving students. Each year, the university distributes around 9% of its total earnings among 20% or more of its regular students. According to the provision of the Private University Act, 2010, private universities are required to provide scholarships to 6 (six) percent of their enrolled students who are meritorious but come from less well-to do families (of which 3 percent is reserved for the wards of freedom fighters). Since its inception, the founders of East West University have adopted a policy of not paying any profit or dividend to themselves and of using a good proportion of its operating surplus towards nurturing merit and providing financial support to students in need. In the last twenty-seven years, the scholarship and financial assistance policy adopted by East West University has become a source of great encouragement to meritorious and financially constrained students.

Benefits to students are awarded in the following ways: 

EWU has generous merit scholarships/financial assistance programs. Due to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and emergent financial constraints of many students, particularly their parent’s/guardian’s of East West University (EWU), since Spring 2020, the EWU authority provided 20% waiver on Tuition and remission of Student Activity Fee to all students. This 20% waiver of tuition continued until 2023. In addition, a sum of Taka 22,87,61,468/- (Twenty Two Crore Eighty Seven Lac Sixty One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Eight) was awarded in 2023-2024. Full-year tuition waiver merit scholarships (for a maximum of one-fourth of the total credit requirements of the program for undergraduate students) were awarded to:

i) Top scorers in undergraduate admission tests with a minimum score of 75% marks: 5 (five) from the Faculty of Business and Economics, 4 (four) from the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, and 2 (two) from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.

Top scorers in graduate admission tests with a minimum score of 75% marks: One from MBA program provided that at least 20 students get admitted to the program. The continuation of this scholarship is contingent upon maintaining a minimum CGPA of 3.50 and abiding by the rules and regulations and the University’s Code of Conduct for students at all times.

ii) Candidates securing A+ in all subjects (including the 4th subject) in the most recent SSC & HSC examinations will be awarded 100% Tuition Free Merit Scholarship at entry level in Undergraduate Programs for 4 (four) years subject to qualifying in the admission test, maintenance of minimum GPA 3.50 in each semester as a regular student (all Undergraduate students must register at least 3 courses (9 credits) in a semester; this credit requirement is 4 courses (12 credits) in a semester for the students of B.Pharm and LL.B Programs) and abiding by the rules and regulations and the University’s Code of Conduct for students at all time;

iii) Candidates securing 7 (seven) A’s in O-level Examination (at one sitting) and 3 (three) A’s in A-level Examination (in one year) will be awarded 100% Tuition Free Merit Scholarship at entry level in Undergraduate Programs for 4 (four) years subject to qualifying in the admission test, maintenance of minimum GPA 3.50 in each semester as a regular student (all Undergraduate students must register at least 3 courses (9 credits) in a semester; this credit requirement is 4 courses (12 credits) in a semester for the students of B.Pharm and LL.B Programs) and abiding by the rules and regulations and the University’s Code of Conduct for students at all time;

iv) District Quota: One poor and meritorious student from each district securing GPA 5.00 in the most recent SSC and HSC examination will be awarded a full-tuition free Merit Scholarship with lodging for four years of study in Undergraduate programs at EWU subject to qualifying in the admission test. The continuation of this scholarship is contingent upon maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.60 as a regular student and abiding by the rules and regulations and the University’s Code of Conduct for students at all time.

v) Candidates scoring GPA 5.00 (including the 4th subject) in the immediate past SSC (2022) & HSC (2024) examinations, will be awarded 50% waiver of Tuition Fee as Merit Scholarship at entry level in the undergraduate programs for the first 1 (one) year subject to fulfillment of the following requirements:

a. Qualifying in the EWU Admission Test.

b. Maintenance of minimum GPA of 3.50 in each semester as a regular student (all Undergraduate students must register at least 3 courses (9 credits) in a semester; this credit requirement is 4 courses (12 credits) in a semester for the students of B.Pharm and LL.B Programs).

c. Abiding by the East West University Disciplinary Code for Students at all times;

vi) 100% Tuition Free Merit Scholarship will be awarded to the students who receive Undergraduate degree from EWU with CGPA 4.00 for a maximum of two years of studies in Graduate Programs at EWU subject to maintenance of CGPA 3.50 at all times as a regular student to continue the scholarship. EWU provides the same benefits under the same terms and conditions to the students having first classes in both Honors and Masters from public Universities who get admission to Graduate programs on a case by case basis.

vii) A committee has been formed to assess and recommend scholarship/ financial aid to students who are from overseas and who come from other educational backgrounds.

viii) Top 10% students (10% of the actual number of students of each batch of each department enrolled during the immediate past year) who have completed at least one-fourth of the total credit requirements of the undergraduate program during the immediate past year with a CGPA of 3.90 and above will get full-tuition free Merit Scholarship for an equal number of credits to be adjusted in the next three consecutive semesters.

In the case of a batch where 6 or fewer students fulfill the scholarship requirement (i.e., completed at least one fourth of the degree requirement with a CGPA of 3.90 or above), only the top student will be entitled to receive one scholarship. The award will go to the best performer among the students securing CGPA 3.90 or above. For calculation of the number of scholarships in each batch, the number will be rounded up if the fraction is 0.5 or above.

Merit Scholarships are extendable, subject to fulfillment of requirements (viii) above. To continue Merit Scholarships, all Undergraduate students must register at least 3 courses (9 credits) in a semester; this credit requirement is 4 courses (12 credits) in a semester for the students of B.Pharm and LL.B Programs. The Merit Scholarship will be discontinued if any students violate the East West University Disciplinary Code for Students and/or if his/her CGPA falls below 3.50 calculated on the basis of the grades earned in the last one year. To be eligible for Merit Scholarship, a student of the undergraduate program must earn credits in the last one year as mentioned in the table below:

Table- 1

Undergraduate Programs
Credits for Degree
Credits for Degree
Required Credits for Scholarship
Required Credits for Scholarship
Bachelor of Business Administration
(Admitted upto Fall 2024)
(Admitted from Spring 2025)
30 credits
(Admitted upto Fall 2024)
33 credits
(Admitted from Spring 2025)
BSS in Economics
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
30 credits
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
33 credits
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
BA in English
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
30 credits
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
33 credits
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
BSS in Sociology
(Admitted upto Fall 2024)
(Admitted from Spring 2025)
30 credits
(Admitted upto Fall 2024)
33 credits
(Admitted from Spring 2025)
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
33 credits

BSS in Information Studies
30 credits

BSS in Population and Public Health Sciences (PPHS)
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
30 credits
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
33 credits
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
B.Sc. in CSE
35 credits

B.Sc. in ICE
35 credits

B.Sc. in EEE
35 credits

Bachelor of Pharmacy
39 credits

B.Sc. in GEB
(Admitted upto Spring 2025)
(Admitted from Summer 2025, tentatively)
33 credits
(Admitted upto Spring 2025)
35 credits
(Admitted from Summer 2025, tentatively)
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)

(Admitted from Fall 2024)
37 credits
(Admitted upto Spring 2024)
35 credits
(Admitted from Fall 2024)
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics
33 credits

B.Sc. in Data Science and Analytics
33 credits

Scholarship Requirement for Graduate Programs for the students admitted in Spring 2024 and onward are as follows:

a. Bachelor degree with CGPA 4.00 out of 4.00 from EWU and other reputed universities: 100% scholarship will be awarded to complete the graduation within the stipulated time. 

b. Bachelor degree with CGPA 3.90-3.99 out of 4.00 from EWU and other reputed universities: 75% scholarship will be awarded to complete the graduation within the stipulated time. 

c. Bachelor degree with CGPA 3.80-3.89 out of 4.00 from other reputed universities: 50% scholarship will be awarded to complete the graduation within the stipulated time. 

d. To continue the scholarship a minimum CGPA of 3.50 must be maintained in each semester as a regular student (must register at least 06 credits in each semester) during the above period.

The application of other reputed universities will be assessed and recommended by EWU.

A Trustee member may award 500% tuition fee waiver to five students (100% each) or more than five students distributing this 500% at his/her discretion in each semester or a Trustee member may award a maximum of up to 45 credits tuition fee waiver in each semester or higher as per requirements under his/her discretionary quota. The unutilized credits of any semester can be carried forward to other semester(s) within the same academic calendar year.

(a) General 

At the beginning of each semester, the university considers applications on prescribed forms for granting financial assistance to deserving students on a need-cum-merit basis. Undergraduate applicants who have completed at least 12 credits in the immediate past semester with a minimum CGPA of 2.60 and with demonstrated financial need are offered financial assistance to cover part of the tuition fees. The actual amount depends on the number of applicants and the availability of funds. This is by far the largest component of the funding support both in terms of the amount of money as well as the number of recipients. Financial assistance is also extendable on the fulfilment of the above mentioned requirements.

Similarly, applicants of graduate programs who have completed 6 credits in the immediate past semester with a minimum CGPA of 2.80 and have proof of financial need are offered financial assistance to cover part of the tuition fees.

(b) Family Concession 

When two siblings (sons and/or daughters of the same parents) and husband-wife study simultaneously at East West University, the second sibling/spouse is entitled to a half-tuition fee waiver. However, both must be admitted full-time into regular programs and both the sibling/ husband-wife must study within the normal study time (the stipulated time for completing a degree) required for the programs in which they are enrolled. The benefit commences on the date of admission of the second sibling/ spouse and ceases on the discontinuation of the study of any one of them in EWU, after his/her Graduation/Dismissal/ Suspension/Voluntary Withdrawal etc. or for any other reasons. This benefit may be extended up to the third sibling under the above-mentioned conditions.

If either of the siblings/spouses maintains a minimum CGPA of 2.60, while the other maintains a minimum passing CGPA (2.00 up to summer 2023), (2.25 from Fall 2023 and onward) for Undergraduate Programs, 2.60 for Graduate Programs, the sibling/spouse benefit will be awarded and continued for the one who maintains the CGPA of 2.60. In the case of the newly admitted students, if the first sibling/spouse can maintain the minimum CGPA of 2.60. the sibling/spouse benefit would be awarded to the second sibling/spouse provided the first sibling/ spouse is not currently receiving any merit scholarship/ financial assistance from EWU. When both the siblings/ husband-wife (both are newly admitted students) are admitted in the first semester at a time, sibling/spouse benefit will be awarded to the second sibling/spouse without applying the credit and CGPA requirements for them in the first semester. Credit and CGPA requirements will be applicable for them from the second semester. Scholarship / Financial Assistance / Sibling / Spouse benefits or any other financial benefits at EWU are not awarded simultaneously.

However, a winner of the Merit Scholarship may enjoy the Scholarship by surrendering the sibling/spouse or other benefits. i.e. any one out of two siblings/husband-wife will be entitled to get either merit scholarship (if eligible) or half tuition fee waiver or financial assistance (if eligible) whichever they prefer. The benefit will be awarded at the time of registration of courses of both the siblings/husband-wife.

(c) Freedom Fighters’ Scholarship 

As a mark of respect to the valiant Freedom Fighters of the War of Liberation and Independence, the university reserves 3% admission quota for the wards of Freedom Fighters of all categories, subject to their fulfilment of the minimum admission requirements at East West University. The university also considers maximum 100% tuition waiver scholarship to the wards of wounded, deceased and financially distressed Freedom Fighters, subject to the fulfilment of the following requirements:

The candidate must qualify in the EWU admission test; the candidate must provide proof that his/her parent was a Freedom Fighter. The tuition fee waiver as above will then be continued provided that the CGPA in each semester remains 2.60 or more.

To continue financial assistance, (all Undergraduate students must register at least 3 courses (9 credits) in a semester; this credit requirement is 4 courses (12 credits) in a semester for the students of B.Pharm and LL.B Programs), and for the students of graduate programs this requirement is at least two courses (6 credits). Financial assistance is discontinued if any student of the undergraduate or the graduate program violates the East West University Disciplinary Code for Students.

Such types of scholarships/ financial assistance, including family concession and freedom fighter scholarships, are not available to those students who have already spent the regular study time required for the programs for which they are enrolled (e.g. Bachelor’s degree program students are not eligible for any scholarship/financial aid beyond the four years that are required to complete the course as a regular student). Students, who have already completed the required minimum total credits for a degree, will not be eligible for any scholarship/ financial assistance. Students availing the advantage of retaking any course any time will not be eligible for any scholarship. No student of the university is entitled to benefit from more than one scholarships/financial assistance schemes at any point in time.

If the children of the employees of EWU study at EWU, only one child of an employee will be granted 50% tuition fee waiver during the entire tenure of the employee’s service at EWU subject to the fulfillment of admission and all other criteria. Granting of this tuition fee waiver will be effective on admission of the student but its continuation will be subject to the fulfillment of financial assistance requirements.

Employees of EWU who study at EWU will be granted 50% tuition fee waiver but they have to maintain a minimum passing CGPA of the respective degree/ program for continuation of the financial benefit which is provided by the university. Other academic and financial aid requirements which are applicable to the students will also be applicable to the employees of EWU. Like other students, employees of EWU who study at EWU have to register for minimum course/credits in each semester. Financial benefit which is provided by the university to its employees for studying at EWU will continue until the respective employees remain in service at EWU.

In order to be able to extend further support towards nurturing merit, particularly to the students from middle-class background, to the female students, and to the students from outside the metropolis, the Board of Directors of East West University set up in 2002 a scheme called the East West University Medha Lalon Fund with an initial endowment of Taka one and a half crore. The Board has also sanctioned an amount of Taka one crore thirty lakhs from the operating surplus of the university for the Fund. This is in addition to the disbursement each year of regular components such as the merit scholarships and financial assistance. Several philanthropic persons/ organizations have contributed a combined amount of Taka twenty-seven and a half lakh to the Medha Lalon Fund. This needcum-merit based financial assistance is awarded from the annual earnings of the East West University Medha Lalon Fund deposited in a lucrative five-year interest earning Scholarship Deposit Account of Mercantile Bank Ltd.

The CGPA requirement for awarding the Dean’s List Scholarship is 3.75 (Taka 55,000 is awarded to each eligible student which is to be adjusted in the next one year) and the CGPA requirement for awarding Medha Lalon Scholarship is 3.50 (Taka 45,000 is awarded to each eligible student which is to be adjusted in the next one year). To be eligible for Dean’s List and Medha Lalon Scholarship a student of the undergraduate program must earn credits as mentioned in the Table-1, in the last one year.

For continuation of this Dean’s List and Medha Lalon Scholarship (all Undergraduate students must register at least 3 courses (9 credits) in a semester; this credit requirement is 4 courses (12 credits) in a semester for the students of B.Pharm and LL.B Programs). This scholarship is discontinued if any student of the undergraduate programs violates the East West University Disciplinary Code for students and/or if his/her CGPA falls below 2.75 calculated based on the grades earned in the last one year.

The following Dean’s List and Medha Lalon Scholarships are currently being offered:

 Table- 2

Name of Scholarship
Name of Sponsors
Amount in Taka
Sujat Ali Mazumder Scholarship
Mr. Jalaluddin Ahmed (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Anjuman Ara Begum Scholarship
Mr. Jalaluddin Ahmed (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
S.M. Sahiruddin Scholarship
Mr. S. M. Nousher Ali (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Rowshan Ara Begum Scholarship
Mr. S. M. Nousher Ali (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Sanuwar Bakht Chaudhury Scholarship
Mr. Farooque B. Chaudhury
Tk. 45,000 a year
Sofia Khatun Scholarship
Mr. Farooque B. Chaudhury
Tk. 45,000 a year
Lutful Bari Md. Munsur Chaudhury Scholarship
Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury
Tk. 45,000 a year
Shamsunnessa Begum Scholarship
Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury
Tk. 45,000 a year
Sherifa Chowdhury Scholarship
Syed Manzur Elahi
Tk. 45,000 a year
Sherifunnesa Begum Scholarship
Syed Manzur Elahi
Tk. 45,000 a year
M. Mahtabuddin Scholarship
Professor Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin
Tk. 45,000 a year
Chamak Chand Scholarship
Professor Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin
Tk. 45,000 a year
M. Sujat Ali Scholarship
Mr. Mohammad Zahedul Haque, R.Ph
Tk. 45,000 a year
Shakina Khatun Scholarship
Mr. Mohammad Zahedul Haque, R.Ph
Tk. 45,000 a year
Mujibur Rahman Lasker Scholarship
Dr. Saidur Rahman Lasker (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Khodeza Abu Taher Scholarship
Dr. Saidur Rahman Lasker (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Moulvi Muhammad Shamsher Ali Scholarship
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Mannan
Tk. 45,000 a year
Momena Khatun Scholarship
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Mannan
Tk. 45,000 a year
Abu Ahmed Abdul Hafiz Scholarship
Mr. Shelley A. Mubdi
Tk. 45,000 a year
Syeda Shaher Banu Chaudhurani Scholarship
Mr. Shelley A. Mubdi
Tk. 45,000 a year
Abdul Kaher Scholarship
Mr. M. A. Mumin (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Habiba Banu Scholarship
Mr. M. A. Mumin (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Alhajj Abdur Rahman-Begum Walida Rahman Scholarship
Dr. Khalilur Rahman
Tk. 45,000 a year
Justice Nurul Huda-Begum Sufia Huda Scholarship
Dr. Khalilur Rahman
Tk. 45,000 a year
MA Haque Scholarship
Mr. H. N. Ashequr Rahman
Tk. 45,000 a year
Abdur Rahman Scholarship
Mr. H. N. Ashequr Rahman
Tk. 45,000 a year
Abdul Jabbar Scholarship
Mrs. Razia Samad (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Abdus Samad Scholarship
Mrs. Razia Samad (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
East West University Scholarship
East West University
Tk. 45,000 a year
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Suraiya Farashuddin Scholarship
Mrs. Suraiya Farashuddin
Tk. 45,000 a year
Suraiya Farashuddin Scholarship
Mrs. Suraiya Farashuddin
Tk. 45,000 a year
Standard Chartered Bank Scholarship
Standard Chartered Bank
Tk. 45,000 a year
Standard Chartered Bank Scholarship
Standard Chartered Bank
Tk. 45,000 a year
Eakub H. Chowdhury Scholarship
Samson H. Chowdhury (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Eakub H. Chowdhury Scholarship
Samson H. Chowdhury (deceased)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Mercantile Bank Limited Scholarship
Mercantile Bank Limited
Tk. 45,000 a year
Mercantile Bank Limited Scholarship
Mercantile Bank Limited
Tk. 45,000 a year
Naushaba-Kalim Sharafi Scholarship
Professor Naushaba Kalim Sharafi
Tk. 45,000 a year
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Prime Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Prime Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Prime Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Prime Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Eastern Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Eastern Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
Eastern Bank Ltd. Scholarship
Eastern Bank Ltd.
Tk. 45,000 a year
TM International Bangladesh Ltd. (AKTEL) Scholarship
TM International Bangladesh Ltd. (AKTEL)
Tk. 45,000 a year
Rakibur Raza Education Scholarship
Dr. Ishfaqur Raza
Tk. 45,000 a year
Dr. Ameerul Haque Scholarship
Mrs. Roshen Ara Haque
Tk. 45,000 a year
Dr. Ameerul Haque Scholarship
Mrs. Roshen Ara Haque
Tk. 45,000 a year
M. A. Mumin Scholarship
Mr. Mansoor Mumin
Tk.1,80,000 a year
Syed and Nasim Amanatullah Scholarship
Syed and Nasim Amanatullah
Tk. 45,000 a year

In addition, Mrs. Rehana Akhtar Khanam, a former UN official has arranged scholarships for students from lower-middle-class families at East West University (EWU). She has created a fund in the name of her parents, ‘Abdul Latif Khan-Jahanara Khanam Chowdhury Scholarship Fund, East West University’ and donated 50 (fifty) lac taka to the fund. The earnings from this fund will be given as a new scholarship to the poor students of EWU besides the existing scholarships.

The East West University Medha Lalon Scholarship is administered by the Financial Assistance Committee of the university. To acquire such assistance, students must apply on a prescribed form. Applications are processed based on information provided by the applicants and according to the criteria set by the university, which are subject to change at its discretion. The selection of scholars and financial assistance beneficiaries is done through a computerized system that ensures full transparency.

As is evident from the table below, the university policy is rather generous in nurturing merit since an increasing percentage of tuition revenue gets ploughed back and goes to deserving students. It is worth noting that the university, as a matter of policy, encourages enrolment of mofussil and rural students who are also, beneficiaries of the scholarship and financial assistance awards. Furthermore, the university has also been consciously endeavoring to increase the proportion of female students who benefit from scholarship and financial assistance programs.

The table below shows the number of recipients/ beneficiaries of various scholarships, financial assistance programs and the amount of scholarships/ financial assistance distributed during the last five years.