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Board of Trustees

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Chairperson, Board of Trustees

Professor Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin

Ph.D Boston University, MA(Double) Boston University, MA University of Dhaka

Chairperson, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Founder President & Founder Vice Chancellor.
Chairperson, Department of Economics.
Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank.
Former Member, International Civil Service Commission.

Members, Board of Trustees

Mrs. Najma Ahmed

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Mr. Nowshad Shamsul Arefin

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Mr. Farooque B. Chaudhury

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

President, 99 Realty Company, LLC, Newyork, USA

Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Honorary Professor in Population Studies, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Former UNFPA/ILO Regional Advisor and Research Director, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

Ms. Fariheen Haque, Pharm.D.

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Member, Board of Trustees East West University

Dr. Muhammad A. Mannan

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Former Director, South East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank Manila, The Philippines

Mr. Shelley A. Mubdi

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

99 Realty Co. LLC. 150-24, 86 Avenue, Briarwood N.Y. 11432-3308, USA

Dr. Khalilur Rahman

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Former Head of Economic, Social and Development Affairs, Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Mr. Mansoor Mumin

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Proprietor, B Plastic Industries and Director, Surma Securities Holding Co. Ltd.

Mr. H. N. Ashequr Rahman

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Chairman, Meghna Bank Ltd, Former State Minister.

Dr. Joy Samad

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Associate Professor of Social Sciences
American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS)

Mr. Md. Nasser Shahrear Zahedee

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

Radiant Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Ms. Kona Lasker Haque

Member, Board of Trustees, EWU.

MSc, London School of Economics
Head of Research at ED&F Man, UK.
(Former Senior Commodities Economist at the Economist Intelligence Unit)