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Student Ethics & Academic Discipline

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Student Ethics
East West University is committed to maintaining a proper academic environment in its premises. Students are expected, as enlightened members of the society, to be of good moral character. They should observe the general rules of discipline, honesty, punctuality and show respect for the rights of others. Willful violation of these general rules seriously disturbs the academic environment and undermines the efforts of the university to impart high quality education.
The university views academic misconduct such as plagiarism, candidate substitution or the use and possession of unauthorized material as a grave breach of discipline.

  1. Academic Misconduct
    a) Cheating at the examination by any method or means.
    b) Helping other students to cheat in examinations.
    c) Reproducing the work of others as one’s own work.
    d) Fabrication or the falsification of any information with the intent to deceive.
    e) Forgery, alteration, or misuse of university documents, records and identity cards.
  2. Social Misconduct
    a) Abusive or disorderly conduct.
    b) Sexual harassment.
    c) Physical assault in any form.
    d) Direct and indirect threat of violence.
    e) Verbal, mental, and physical harassment.
    f) Participation in any activity that may disrupt any function of the university
    C. Property Damage
    a) Willful damage or destruction of university property.
  3. Dangers to Health and Safety
    a) Smoking inside university buildings.
    b) Possession or use of alcoholic drinks and drugs.
    c) Possession of sharp weapons and firearms.
  4. Disobedience to Lawful Authority
    a) Disobedience, interference, resistance or failure to comply with the direction of an authorized university personnel on duty.
    b) Unauthorized entry.
  5. Theft
    a) Theft or misappropriation of university funds and materials.
    b) Possession of stolen university property.
  6. Penalties
    The following are some of the penalties and sanctions that may be imposed on a student for violating the code of conduct of the university.
    a) Warning in the form of written or verbal notice.
    b) Cancellation of the examination and/or an assignment.
    c) Expulsion for one or more semesters.
    d) Expulsion from the university.
  7. Disciplinary Procedure
    a) Discipline Committee of the university examines the allegations of misconduct, takes evidence from both sides, and recommends penalties to be imposed on the student found guilty.
    b) Any penalty/punishment imposed on a student will be reflected in his/her Academic Transcripts/documents.

Academic Discipline
Any act of indiscipline, offence, or grievance committed by a student may be reported to the Proctor of EWU in writing by a student or staff/faculty for necessary action.
A Discipline Committee will act independently to ascertain facts and submit a report of the findings with recommendations for necessary action.
All students will receive photo identification cards with a student number. Students must display their ID cards when on campus. This is required for their own safety and the protection of the campus from unauthorized visitors. These cards will be used for various purposes such as entering campus, attending classes, using the library, and in accessing computers in computer labs.

Attendance Requirement
For students to complete their studies successfully, it will be necessary to attend reasonable portion (not less than 80%) of the lectures, tutorials and practical classes for the respective course and to carry out the necessary reading, preparation and assignments set.