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Organogram and Function of IQAC

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Quality assurance in tertiary education is a global practice now. The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University (EWU) was established in January 2016 in order to ensure quality education at the university level. IQAC was established as a project for a period of 3 years with financial assistance from Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) under the World Bank and University Grants Commission (UGC). The IQAC of EWU has been successfully finished External Peer Review (EPR) in 2018. Now IQAC is a permanent body of the University and its activities are being sustained and maintained under the revenue budget of the University.


  1. To develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the universities.
  2. To undertake measures for quality enhancement and excellence in teaching earning through internationalization as well as to institutionalize the best practices of QA activities.

Function of the IQAC 

  1. To implement quality assurance (QA) decisions taken by Quality Assurance Committee (QAC).
  2. To organize training, workshop, seminar on quality assurance for faculty members, non-teaching officers and staffs.
  3. To support programs for meeting requirements of professional accreditations.
  4. To develop and maintain a database containing information regarding quality assurance of all programs and stakeholders.
  5. To promote and monitor modern teaching-learning pedagogy.
  6. To prepare and produce annual institutional quality assurance report and place to the QAC for future action plan.
  7. To prepare a detail budget of IQAC. 

Portfolio of Director 

Job Description of Director, IQAC

  1. Oversee the management of IQAC and be responsible for all its activities;
  2. Establish milestones and performance indicators for smooth and effective implementation of IQAC activities to meet the international standards;
  3. Take necessary steps to develop a culture with a view to achieving position in World University Rankings; 
  4. Work as the Chief Liaison Officer (CLO) among the UGC, the respective universities and the QAU;
  5. Co-ordinate, supervise and monitor all QA and TL related activities of the IQAC within the university;
  6. Establish a liaison with other universities and research organizations at home and abroad to learn the best practices;
  7. Explore the emerging issues with regard to higher education and recommend those to the QAC and the UGC;
  8. Prepare performance-based budget subject to availability of grants, aid, endowment from the UGC and other organizations;
  9. Arrange meetings on a regular basis to assess the performance of the IQAC in promoting the best QA culture and TL practices within the university;
  10. Formulate strategic plan and recommend it to the QAC and the UGC for enhancement of overall quality of the university;
  11. Develop a data-base software of information regarding the training to be delivered to all relevant stakeholders on QA and TL;
  12. Execute all QA and TL related decisions as directed by the UGC, the QAC and Syndicate/Regent Board of the university;
  13. Report to the QAC and the UGC twice a year.

Job Description of Additional Director (Quality Assurance-QA) 

  1. Assist in formulating policies for different QA aspects of the university relating to governance, leadership strengthening, curriculum development, faculty and professional staff development.
  2. Play a key role in monitoring, evaluation, and continual improvement of QA.
  3. Collect data/ evidence on the implementation of the policies formulated and prepare a report on all QA related activities.
  4. Develop an improvement plan regarding QA for every 4 years and ensure its effective implementation and monitoring.
  5. Assist POEs and the university in culturing the procedures for accreditation of the programs and university as per the guidelines set by the BAC.
  6. Execute QA related decisions as directed by the UGC and/or by the QAC and Syndicate/Regent Board of the university.
  7. Facilitate the self-assessment and external peer review conducted by the PSAC;
  8. Implement the QA process at program level.
  9. Assist in developing an online data-base software enriched with all information regarding the QA activities and monitoring and evaluating those.
  10. Conduct annual academic audit at every POE level.   

Job Description of Additional Director (Excellence in Teaching Learning-ETL)

  1. Plan training/workshop/seminar etc. for faculties, officers, and support staff to implement policies regarding all aspects of teaching-learning.
  2. Review the literature related to modernization of curriculum, teaching-leaning, and research etc.
  3. Conduct research on various aspects of teaching-learning, performance of teachers, students' leaning behavior, blended leaning mode, code of conduct for teachers and students, and so on.
  4. Conduct research on the implementation of outcome-based teaching-learning and assessment.
  5. Assist the university authority to introduce an award recognition system for excellence in teaching-learning, research, leadership quality, office management skills, etc.;
  6.  Respond to the requests regarding training, and formulate training proposals, deliver courses, prepare necessary documents, etc.
  7. Identify and organize short training courses on professional development.
  8. Guide and assist the POEs of the university to implement the Outcome Based Education (OBE).
  9. Develop an improvement plan regarding ETL for every 4 years and ensure its effective implementation as well as monitoring of its achievements.
  10. Assist in developing data-based software containing all information on the programs undertaken for ETL.
  11. Execute ETL related decisions as directed by the UGC and/or by the QAC and Syndicate/Regent Board of the respective university.
  12. Provide training to the faculty members to implement research and scholarly activities.

Organogram of IQAC
Relation Structure of Institutional Quality Assurance Bodies of the University, SPQA and UGC

Functions of the Vice Chancellor   
The Vice Chancellor as the Chairperson of the QAC of the university shall place all the decisions, documents, QA strategic plan of the university and reports prepared by the IQAC for ratification and endorsement by the syndicate. 

Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) 
The committee set up by the university authority for institutional oversight of the IQAC. In order to look after the key issues of quality assurance and activities of the IQAC the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) has been constituted in East West University (EWU). The IQAC shall report to the Vice Chancellor (VC) and be supervised by the University’s QAC.

Composition of QAC:
The composition of QAC of EWU is as follows:

  1. Vice Chancellor (Chairperson)
  2. Pro-Vice Chancellor
  3. Director, IQAC
  4. All Deans (FSE, FBE and FLASS)
  5. Dr. A. K. Enamul Haque, Professor, Department of Economics (Appointed by the Syndicate nominated by the Vice Chancellor)
  6. Dr. Khairul Alam, Professor, Department of the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) (Appointed by the Syndicate nominated by the Vice Chancellor)
  7. Registrar
  8. Director of Finance and Accounts
  9. Additional Director, IQAC, Member Secretary of QAC 

Functions of QAC 

  1. The QAC shall be an advisory body to the IQAC for developing an effective and workable system of quality assurance.
  2. QAC shall act as a planning forum for the discussion and promotion of the developments in quality assurance culture. 

Faculty Quality Assurance Committee (FQAC)

Composition of FQAC:

In order to implement the decisions taken by QAC on key issues of quality assurance on faculty and Department of the Faculty Quality Assurance Committee (FQAC) has been constituted in EWU. Three FQAC has been constituted to supervise all programs under the faculties. The composition of the FQAC is as follows:

(i)  FQAC of Faculty of Sciences and Engineering (FSE)

  1. Dean, Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, Chairperson
  2. Chairperson, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Member
  3. Chairperson, Department of Electrical& Electronic Engineering, Member
  4. Chairperson, Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Member
  5. Chairperson, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Member
  6. Chairperson, Department of Pharmacy, Member
  7. Chairperson, Department of Civil Engineering, Member
  8. Chairperson, Department of MPS, Member

(ii) FQAC of Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE)

  1. Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, Chairperson
  2. Chairperson, Department of Business Administration, Member
  3. Chairperson, Department of Economics, Member 

(iii) FQAC of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS)

  1. Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Chairperson
  2. Chairperson, Department of English, Member
  3. Chairperson, Department of Social Relations, Member
  4. Chairperson, Department of Law, Member
  5. Chairperson, Department of Information Studies and Library Management, Member  
  6. Chairperson, Department of Sociology, Member

Functions FQAC:

  1. To supervise and guide PSACs under the faculty for quality assurance of the programs.
  2. To make action plan in cooperation with IQAC for implementing QAC decisions regarding individual programs.

Program Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC)

Composition of PSAC

  1. Chairman/Director of the Department/ Institute or senior faculty of the Department/ Institute nominated by the academic committee (Chair).
  2.  Two other faculty members nominated by the academic committee.

Functions of the PSAC 

  1. To prepare periodic Self-Assessment (SA) report and necessary action plan for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) of the program and to submit report to the FQAC.
  2. To implement and monitor under supervision of FQAC and IQAC, QA action plans approved by QAC.
  3. To organize workshops, seminars and training programs for improving quality culture of the programs/departments.
  4. To assist periodic improvement of program curriculum in consultation with all stakeholders such as faculty members, curriculum committee, industrial advisory panel, alumni and students.  

Members of the Program Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC)

Faculty of Sciences and Engineering 

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Undergraduate Level

  1. Dr. Maheen Islam, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Professor Dr. Shamim H. Ripon, Member
  3. Dr. Taskeed Jabid, Associate Professor, Member

Information and Communication Engineering 

  1. Dr. Maheen Islam, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Mohammad Arifuzzaman, Associate Professor, Member
  3. Dr. Anup Kumar Paul, Associate Professor, Member

Graduate Level

  1. Dr. Maheen Islam, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Professor Dr. Md. Nawab Yousuf Ali, Member
  3. Dr. Mohammad Rezwanul Huq, Associate Professor, Member

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

  1. Professor Dr. Anisul Haque, Chair
  2. Professor Dr. Khairul Alam, Member
  3. Dr. Halima Begum, Assistant Professor, Member

Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

  1. Dr. Md. Mohiuddin Kabir, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Dr. Mst. Murshida Mahbub, Assistant Professor, Member
  3. Dr. Md. Hamed  Hussain, Assistant Professor, Member
  4. Dr. Afsana Bhuiya Toma, Assistant Professor, Member

Department of Pharmacy 

Undergraduate Level 

  1. Professor Dr. Sufia Islam, Chair
  2. Ms. Nishat Nasrin, Assistant Professor, Member
  3. Ms. Nigar Sultana Tithi, Senior Lecture, Member

Graduate Level

  1. Professor Dr. Chowdhury Faiz Hossain, Chair
  2. Professor Dr. Shamsun Nahar Khan, Member
  3. Dr. Farhana Rizwan, Associate Professor, Member 

Department of Civil Engineering

  1. Dr. Md. Naimul Haque, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Dr. Md. Tawfiq Sarwar, Associate Professor, Member
  3. Dr. Mohammad Kamruzzaman Talukder, Assistant Professor, Member 

Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences  

Undergraduate Level 

  1. Professor Dr. Anindita Paul, Chair
  2. Professor Dr. Fazlul Karim, Member
  3. Dr. A. K. M. Nazimuddin, Assistant Professor, Member                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Graduate Level 

  1. Dr. Md. Sohel Rana, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Mr. M H M Imrul Kabir, Senior Lecturer, Member
  3. Mr. F.M. Arifur Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Member

Faculty of Business and Economics 

Department of Business Administration 

  1. Professor Dr. Farhana Ferdousi, Chair
  2. Ms. Laila Zaman, Assistant Professor, Member
  3. Dr. Md. Atiqur Rahman Sarker, Assistant Professor, Member

Department of Economics 

  1. Dr. Md. Nazmul Hoque, Assistant Professor, Chair
  2. Ms. Saiyeeda Saniya Munim, Senior Lecturer, Member
  3. Ms. Asiya Siddica, Senior Lecturer, Member

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Department of English  

Undergraduate Level

  1. Dr. Md. Abu Shahid Abdullah, Assistant Professor, Chair
  2. Md. Tahamid Ar Rabbi, Senior Lecturer, Member
  3. Ms. Monisha Biswas, Senior Lecturer, Member                                        

Graduate Level

  1. Dr. Israt Jahan, Assistant Professor, Chair
  2. Mr. Ariful Islam, Senior Lecturer, Member
  3. Ms. Safia Haque, Senior Lecturer, Member

Department of Law

  1. Dr. Nabaat Tasnima Mahbub, Assistant Professor, Chair
  2. Ms. Adity Rahman Shah, Senior Lecturer, Member
  3. Ms. Nadia Rahaman, Senior Lecturer, Member 

Department of Social Relations 

Bachelor in Population and Public Health Science (PPHS)

  1. Professor Dr. Md. Mobarak Hossain Khan, Chair
  2. Dr. Marzia Zaman Sultana, Senior Lecturer, Member
  3. Ms. Rubayat Kabir, Senior Lecturer, Member

PGD in Population, Public Health and Disaster Management (PPDH and Master in Population, Reproductive Health, Gender and Development (MPRHGD)

  1. Professor Dr. Md. Mobarak Hossain Khan, Member
  2. Dr. Md. Sanaul Haque Mondal, Assistant Professor, Chair
  3. Md. Rezwan Siddiqui, Senior Lecturer, Member 

Department of Information Studies 

  1. Dr. Dilara Begum, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Mr. Md. Hasinul Elahi, Senior Lecturer, Member
  3. Mr. Abdur Rahaman Sumon, Senior Lecturer, Member 

Department of Sociology

  1. Dr. Mumita Tanjeela, Associate Professor, Chair
  2. Dr. Anisur Rahman Khan, Associate Professor, Member
  3. Mr. S. M. Anowarul Kayes Shimul, Senior Lecturer, Member