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Guideline for Depositing Students’ Fees of Summer 2020

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Notice Details

East West University

EWU (RO)18/20-323                                                                                                    09 June 2020

Guideline for Depositing Students’ Fees of Summer 2020

Academic activities like Classes, Examinations, Course advising and deposit of students’ fees of East West University is being conducted through online.

Students who do not have any ‘advance/arrear/scholarship/financial aid/regular waiver’, they will have to deposit their semester fees using the‘Advising Slip/Deposit Slip’ in the designated Banks. Even if they have any course add/drop, they can deposit the same using the revised ‘Advising Slip/Deposit Slip’.

Students are requested not to ask the bank for any Advising Slip or Deposit slip. Concerned students must have collected it after advising of Summer 2020. If anyone doesn’t have it, he/she may print it from the EWU Portal (http://portal.ewubd.eduusing login ID.

Those who have ‘advance/arrear/scholarship/financial aid/regular waiver’, they will have to use ‘Manual Deposit Slip’ ( ) to deposit their fees. In that case they will have to recalculate their net amount of fees. In order to recalculate their net amount they will have to adjust their ‘advance/arrear/scholarship/financial aid/regular waiver’ from the total amount of tuition fees first and after adjusting the ‘advance/arrear/scholarship/financial aid/regular waiver’ they will have to adjust special waiver (20%) and to be added other fees.

For Example:

Tuition Fee

Tk. 44100.00

Less: scholarship/financial aid/regular waiver (for example)      

Tk. 15000.00

Total after adjustment of scholarship/financial aid/waiver

Tk. 29100.00

Less: Special Waiver (20%)

Tk. 5820.00

Net Tuition Fee

Tk. 23280.00

Add: Laboratory Fee

Tk. 1000.00

Add: Students Activity Fee

Tk. 510.00

Add: Library Fee (For graduate Programs) only       

Tk. 500.00

Net Amount to be deposited            

Tk. 25290.00

Students of EWU can deposit their fees to any branch of the following banks in the country:

  • Bank Asia Limited
  • United Commercial Bank Limited; and
  • One Bank Limited

In order to avoid rush, it is advised not to go any large branches (like Principal Branch/Corporate Branch) usually, who do not receive utility bills.

For any further query, please write to: or call to the following numbers during office hours (8:30 am-5:00pm): +8801723367833,+8801710449167, +8801711352524,+8801943288213.

This guideline has been issued with the kind approval of the Vice Chancellor.

Mashfiqur Rahman
East West University