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MERIT SCHOLARSHIP: Summer Semester 2019 (Graduate Programs)

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Notice Details

EWU(RO)12/19-253(2)                                                                                              07 May 2019


MERIT SCHOLARSHIP: Summer Semester 2019
Graduate Programs

  1. For excellent academic performance the following students are awarded the East West University Merit Scholarship of full tuition waiver as per the details shown against each:
Sl ID No. Name Credits to be Covered CGPA Semester  to be Covered
1 2018-2-94-006 Farhana Afrin 18 4.00 Summer 2019, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020

{(Must register at least two courses (with a total of not less than 4 credits)}

2 2018-3-82-002 S. M. Tafsir Hasan 17 4.00 Summer 2019

{(Must register at least two courses (with a total of not less than 4 credits)}

3 2018-2-88-009 Chandrika Mondal 12 3.93 Summer 2019, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020

{(Must register at least two courses (with a total of not less than 4 credits)}

4 2018-2-95-025 Syeda Mahbubun Naher Mitu 15 3.90 Summer 2019, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020

{(Must register at least two courses (with a total of not less than 4 credits)}

5 2018-3-98-002 Muhammad Mashiur Rahman 11 3.90 Summer 2019

{(Must register at least two courses (with a total of not less than 4 credits)}

2. We congratulate them for their excellent academic performance and we advise them to keep up their academic performance in the coming days also

  1. a) The above list is subject to change if any mistake is detected in calculating CGPA.
    b) This scholarship is contingent upon continuation of study in the above semester(s) as a regular student. Merit Scholarship will be discontinued if any student violates ‘The East West University Disciplinary Code for Students’ and/or if his/her CGPA falls below 3.50.


Mashfiqur Rahman

Registrar (Acting)