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Dr. Farzana Sharmin Pamela Islam



Dr. Farzana Sharmin Pamela Islam

Asstt. Proctor, EWU
Associate Professor, Dept. of English


Graduate Certificate in Communication                   2006                Victoria University, Australia  (Distinction)
Masters in TESOL 2005 Victoria University, Australia (High Distinction)
Post Graduate Diploma in TESOL 2004 Victoria University, Australia (High Distinction)
B.A. (Hons) in English           2001 (exam held in 2003)               Dhaka University                   Bangladesh

Since 30/ 4/2018: Assistant Professor in English, East West University, Dhaka.

Since 9/2016: Assistant Proctor, East West University, Dhaka (On going).

Since 4/ 2012 till 29/4/2018: Senior Lecturer in English, East West University, Dhaka.

Between 5/2009 and 3/2012: Lecturer in English, East West University, Dhaka.

3/2009 to 5/2009: Lecturer in English, Int’l Islamic University Chittagong (Dhaka Campus).

5/2008 to 10/2008: ESL Teacher, Victoria University (VU), Melbourne, Australia.

2/2004 to 10/2008: Research Assistant under Prof. Helen Borland, V.U. Australia.

12/2006 to 2/2007: Administrative Assistant, International Branch, V. U.  Australia.

8/2006: Research Assistant, ICEPA, V. U. Melbourne, Australia.

8/2005 to 12/2005: Project Officer (Casual) under Dr. Jill Sanguinetti, V. U. Melbourne, Australia.  

- Islam, FS Pamela (2021), Using Cartoon: An integrative approach to teaching multiculturism and second language, Asian Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 53-61.

- Islam, FS Pamela (2020), The Use of Multimedia and its Impact on Bangladeshi EFL Learners at Tertiary Level, International Journal of Language Education IJoLE, vol. 4, no.1, DOI:

- Islam, FS Pamela (2018), Facebook and Students’ Sub-standard English: A context of Bangladesh, International Journal of Language Education IJoLE, vol.2, no.1, DOI: 10.26858/ijole.v2i1.5001.

- Islam, FS Pamela (2017), Note-taking of English Lessons at Tertiary Level: A context of Bangladesh,  International Journal of Language Education IJoLE, vol.1, no.2, pp. 1-7. ISSN (Print) 2548-8457.

- Islam, FS Pamela (2015), Teaching Writing Skills in ESL and EFL Settings: A theoretical consideration, February 2012 to August 2013 issue of The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, vol.5-6, no. 9-12, pp.113-126.

- Islam, FS Pamela (2012) EFL Learning Online: A case of South Asia, February 2010 issue of The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, vol.3, no. 5, pp.137-153.

- Islam, FS Pamela & Islam, W (December 2010) Globalization, English Hegemony and Cultural Imperialism: The Bangladesh context, in Journal of SUB, vol.2, pp.9-24.

- Islam, FS Pamela & Islam, W (2009) ESL Materials and Cultural Imperialism: A case of Bangladesh, presented at East West University International Conference on Empire and English Studies- Dec 11-12, 2009.

Applied Linguistics (Discourse, Pragmatics. Sociolinguistics), SLA