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Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon



Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon

Additional Director, IQAC


  • Post doc in Development Economics (Japan Society for the Promotion and Science-JSPS)
  • Ph.D. in Economics (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  • MS in Economics (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  • MS in Statistics (Bangladesh Agricultural University)
  • B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics (Bangladesh Agricultural University)

Teaching Experience:

Present Position: Professor and Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Institution: East West University (EWU), Bangladesh

            Duration: 25 July 2019 to till now.

Position: Associate Professor, Dept of Economics

Institution: East West University (EWU), Bangladesh

            Duration: 19 April 2012 to 24 July 2019.

Position: Assistant Professor (Economics)

            Institution: East West University (EWU), Bangladesh

            Duration: 16 October 2008 to 18 April 2012.

Teaching Experience:

Position: Lecturer (Bio-Statistics)

            Institution: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Bangladesh

            Duration: 18 December 1996 to 31 January 2000.

Administrative Experience: 

            Position: Director

Institution: Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University

Duration: 1 January 2019 to till now.

Position: Chairperson

Institution: Department of Economics, East West University

            Duration: 3 September 2012 to 6 September 2014.

Part Time Teaching Experience:

Position: Teaching Assistant

Institution: Hokkaido University, Japan.

Duration: 5 April 2002 to 28 February 2006. 

Research Experience:

            Position: Research Officer

            Duration: 1st February 1994 to 31 January 1995.

University Grand Commission (UGC) Scholarship: “UGC-2011” for research entitled “Rice-prawn Farming System: Impacts on Soil Quality and Land Productivity of Modern Variety Paddy Production in Bangladesh".

Monbukagakusho Scholarship: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan, 2001.

Asian Youth Fellowship (AYF): The Japan Foundation Asia Center, organized by Asia Science and Education for Economic Development Institute (Asia SEED), Government of Japan, 2000.

University Grand Commission (UGC) Scholarship: Bangladesh University Grand Commission, Bangladesh Agricultural University, 1992.

Presidential Award: Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC), Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) Shaheen College, 19th position in the combined merit list in Science Group in Jessore Board; Government of Bangladesh, 1986.

School Secondary Certificate (SSC) Award: Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) Shaheen College, Government of Bangladesh, 1984.

Junior Scholarship Award: Government of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) Shaheen School, 1982.

Other Academic and Administrative Activities:

Chairperson, Department of Economics, East West University, from 3 September 2012 to 6 September 2014.

Member, Academic Council, East West University, from 2012 to 2014.

Director (In-Charge), Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University, from 1 January 2019 to 24 July 2019.

Chairperson, Department Development Committee, Department of Economics, East West University, from 2012 to 2014.

Member, Department Development Committee, Department of Economics, East West University, from 2015 to 2019.

Member, Self-Assessment Committee (SAC), Department Development Committee, Department of Economics, East West University, from 2015 to2019.

Member, Moderation Committee (Undergraduate Admission test), East West University, from 2012 to till now.

 Member, Moderation Committee (MBA Admission test), East West University, from 2012 to till now.

  1. Sanzidur Rahman, Basanta Kumar Barmon, Asif Reza Anikd (2020) Productivity Growth and Efficiency Changes in Prawn-carp–rice Farming in ‘Gher’ System in Bangladesh :A Färe-Primont Index Approach, Aquaculture, 522, 735107,

  2. Sanzidur Rahman and Basanta Kumar Barmon (2019),  Greening Modern Rice Farming Using Vermicompost and Its Impact on Productivity and Efficiency: An Empirical Analysis from Bangladesh, Agriculture 2019, (11), 1-13, 239;
  3. Basanta Kumar Barmon and Sushanta Kumar Tarafder (2019), Impacts of Vermicompost Manure on MV Paddy Production in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Jessore District, Asia Pacific Journal of Rural Development (APJORD), pp.1-25, DOI: 10.1177/2516602619860609.
  4. Sanzidur Rahman & Basanta Kumar Barmon (2019), Women’s Gainful Employment in ‘Gher’ Farming System (Prawn–Carp–Rice Integrated Culture) in Bangladesh: Trends and Determinants, Aquaculture International, 27:519–537.
  5. Pangkoj Nokrek, Basanta Kumar Barmon, Sanzidur Rahman, (2018), Poverty, Income Inequality and Determinants of Income of the Ethnic Communities of Bangladesh, Asian Development Perspectives, 9 (2): 188-201.
  6. Sanzidur Rahman and Basanta Kumar Barmon (2018), Total Factor Energy Productivity and Efficiency Changes of the Gher (Prawn-Carp-Rice) Farming System in Bangladesh: A Stochastic Input Distance Function Approach, Energies, 11 (12):1-17, 3482; doi:10.3390/en11123482.
  7. Sabrina Momtaj Tithi and Basanta Kumar Barmon (2018), Comparative Advantages of Lentil (Lens culinaris) and Mustard (Brassica nigra L.) Production and their Profitability in a Selected District of Bangladesh, The Agriculturists, 16(1): 21-33.
  8. Arifa Anjum and Basanta Kumar Barmon (2017), Profitability and Comparative Advantage of Onion (Allium cepa) Production in Bangladesh: An Economic Study in Some Selected Areas, The Agriculturists, 15(2): 66-78.
  9. Basanta Kumar Barmon and Mahfuzul Islam (2017), Resource Use Efficiency and Factors Affecting Land Allocation for Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production in Bangladesh, The Agriculturists, 15(1): 28-39.
  10.  Basanta Kumar Barmon (2016), Impacts of the Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation System on Modern Varieties of Paddy Production in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Jessore District, Bangladesh Development Studies, 39(3&4): 77-104.
  11. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Umme Fatema, and Gazi Esha Islam, (2015) "Rural Credit in Bangladesh: Trends, Structure and Growth Performance", The Jahangirnagar Review, 35: 23-37.
  12. Sanzidur Rahman and Basanta Kumar Barmon, (2015) "Exploring the Potential to Improve Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency using Fertilizer Deep Placement Strategy in Modern Rice Production in Bangladesh", Energy Efficiency, 8:1241-1250.
  13. Sanzidur Rahman and Basanta Kumar Barmon (2015). Productivity and Efficiency Impacts of Urea Deep Placement Technology in Modern Rice Production: An Empirical Analysis from Bangladesh. Journal of Development Areas (The JDA), 49(3):119-134.
  14. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Kazi Mohiuddin, Gazi Esha Islam and Nawshin Laila, 2015. "Willingness to Pay for Solid Waste Management System in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: A Socio-Economic Analysis", East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, 4:29-52.
  15. Basanta Kumar Barmon (2014)"Impacts of Rice-Prawn Farming System on Farm Productivity, Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District", The Agriculturists, 12(2):126-136.
  16. Basanta Kumar Barmon and Sushanta Kumar Tarafder, (2014). Impacts of Granular Urea and Efficiency of Resource Use in MV Paddy Production: A Case Study of Jessore District, The Bangladesh Development Studies, 37 (3):79-108.
  17. Basanta Kumar Barmon, (2013). "Technological Change in MV Paddy Production in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis of the Application of Traditional and Granular Urea ", Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, 23(2):59-80.
  18. Basanta Kumar Barmon, (2011). "Expenditure Patterns of Some Informal Sectors in Bangladesh: An Empirical Evidence of Dhaka City", The Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 34(1&2):103-118.
  19.  Basanta Kumar Barmon (2013). Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity of MV Paddy Production under Different Farming System in Bangladesh, Asia Pacific Journal of Rural Development (APJORD), 23(1):59-78.
  20. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Kondo Takumi and Mohammad Amzad Hossain (2013). Sustainable Integrated Agricultural Farming System in Bangladesh: An Empirical Evidence of Rice-prawn Gher Farming System, The Review of Agricultural Economics, 68:33-146.
  21. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Imrana Sharmin, Debashish Dey, (2012). “A Comparative Study of the Cost of Higher Education in Private and Public Universities in Bangladesh” East West Journal of Business and Social Studies (EWJBSS), 3: 47-67.
  22. Basanta K. Barmon, Imrana Sharmin, Parvez K. Abbasi and Al Mamum (2012). “Economics of Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Production in a Selected Upazila of Bangladesh” The Agriculturists, 10(2): 77-89.
  23. Sanzidur Rahman and Basanta K. Barmon (2012). “Energy productivity and efficiency of the ‘gher’ (prawn-fish-rice) farming system in Bangladesh” Energy, 30:1-8, doi:10.1016/
  24. Barmon, B.K., and Chaudhury, M., (2012). “Impact of Price Variability on Acreage Allocation in Rice and Wheat Production in Bangladesh” The Agriculturists 10(1): 23-30.
  25. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Sanzidur Rahman, (2012). ‘Gher’ Farming System of Bangladesh: A Win-Win Strategy for Agricultural Development? Agricultural Policies: New Development.  pp. 143-169
  26. Ashok Kumar Debnath, Basanta Kumar Barmon, and Mrityunjoy Biswas, (2011)."Motivation of Civil Servants in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study of Technical Cadres and Administrative Cadres", World Review of Business Research, 1(4) 1-17.
  27. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Muntasir Chaudhury and Saiyeeda S. Munim, (2011). "Value Chain and Marketing Channels of Shrimp/Prawn Sector of Gher Farming System in Bangladesh", World Review of Business Research, 1(1):10-24.
  28. Barmon, B.K., Takumi Kondo, Junichi Yamaguchi, and Fumio Osanami (2010). “Impacts of Rice-Prawn Farming System on Soil Quality and land Productivity for Modern Varieties (MV) of Paddy Production in Bangladesh” Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, 7(2):49-66. 
  29. Sanzidur Rahman, Barmon, B. K., Nesar Ahmed (2010). “Diversification Economies and Efficiencies in a ‘Blue-Green Revolution’ Combination: A Case Study of Prawn-carp-rice Farming in the ‘Gher’ System in Bangladesh” Aquaculture International, 19:665-682. 
  30. Barmon, B. K., and A. Sattar, (2010). Growth Performance of Non-Food Grains under the Crop Diversification Program (CDP) in Bangladesh, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, 1: 49-64.
  31. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, J. Yamaguch, F. Osanami (2008) Technological change, soil quality and land productivity: evidence from the rice-prawn gher farming system in Bangladesh, Journal of Rural Economics, 1(1):502-508.
  32. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami, (2009). “Agricultural Technology Adoption and Land Productivity: Evidence from the Rice-Prawn Gher Farming in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development (APJORD), 19(2):78-102.
  33. Barmon, B. K., Sattar, A., and Rahman, M.Z., (2009). "Adoption of Hybrid and its Future Consequences in Bangladesh: An Economic Analysis"Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2(4):679-685.
  34. Barmon, B. K., (2009). "Technological Progress and Modern Variety of (MV) Paddy Production: A Comparison of Rice-Prawn Farming and Year-Round Paddy Farming System in Bangladesh"Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2(1):281-297.
  35. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2008). “Water-Saving Technology and Water Productivity of Modern Variety (MV) of Paddy Production: Evidence from the Rice-prawn and Year-round Paddy Farming Systems in Bangladesh”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development (APJORD), 18(2):99-118.
  36. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2008). “Inputs Used in Modern Variety (MV) Paddy Farming and Household Income: A Comparative Study of Rice-prawn Gher and Year-round MV Paddy Farming System in Bangladesh”, The Review of Agricultural Economics, 63:1-18.
  37. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2007). “Economic Evaluation of Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System on Soil Fertility for Modern Variety of Rice Production in Bangladesh”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development (APJORD), 17(1):67-81.
  38. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2007). “Rice-Rice Farming to the Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh: An Economic Analysis of Input Use and Output of Two Farming Systems”, Journal of Rural Economics. 23(1):528-534.
  39. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2007). “Women’s Participation in Rice Prawn Gher Farming in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Women, Social Justice and Human Rights (IJWSJHR), 2(1):1-15.
  40. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2006). “Problems and Prospects of Shrimp and Rice-prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh”, Journal of Bangladesh Studies, 8(2):61-73.
  41. Barmon, B.K., H. Matsuda, T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2005). “Local Technology Adoption and Its Diffusion Process: Evidence from the Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System of Bangladesh”, Journal of Rural Economics, 25:640-647.
  42. Barmon, B.K., H. Matsuda, T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2005). “Land Tenurial Arrangement of Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh-A Case Study of Khulna District”, Japanese Journal of Farm Management, 44(1):144-147. 
  43. Barmon, B.K., H. Matsuda, T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2005). “Historical Background and Diffusion Process of Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District”, The Review of Agricultural Economics, 61: 85-100.
  44. Matsuda, H. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2005). “The Impact of Rice-Prawn Gher Farming in Bangladesh on Living Standard of Traditional Rural Areas - An Approached by Food Intakes: A Case Study of Khulna District, Bilpabla”,. The Review of Agricultural Economics, 61:71-84.
  45. Barmon, B.K (2004). “Impacts of Rice-prawn Gher Farming on Land Tenure System in Bangladesh - A Case Study of Khulna District”, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 27(2):75-86.
  46. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2004). “Impact of Rice-Prawn Gher Farming on Agricultural and Household Income in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District”, Journal of Bangladesh Studies, 6(1&2):51-61. The Pennsylvania State University, Erie, USA.
  47. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2004). “Impacts of Rice-Prawn Gher Farming on Cropping Patterns, Land Tenant System, and Household Income in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development (APJORD), 14(1):10-28.
  48. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2004). “Impact of Rice-prawn Gher Farming on Household Income in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District”, Japanese Journal of Farm Management, 43(1):133-136.
  49. Barmon, B.K., T. Kondo, and F. Osanami (2004). “Labor Demand for Rice-Prawn Gher Farming in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District”, The Review of Agricultural Economics, 60:273-287.
  50. Biswas, P.K. and Barmon, B.K. (1999). “Fimbrial Antigents of Pathogenic Escherichia Coli Affecting Turkeys”, The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 16(2):49-52.
  51. Barmon, B.K., Akbar, A. and Sarker, M.C. (1999). “Pineapple Marketing in Some Selected Areas of Moulvi Bazar District. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 12(1&2): 53-60.
  52. Barmon, B.K., Rahman, M.A., Paul, T.K., Murshed, M.M., Ali, M.S. and Debnath, G.K. (1998). “Economic Assessment of Productive and Reproductive Status of Dairying in Some Selected Areas of Kustia. Progressive Agriculture, 9(1&2):145-150.
  53. Barmon, B.K., Hossain, M.I. and Haque, M.E. (1997). “Regional Variation in the Demand for Fertilizer in Bangladesh”, Bangladesh Journal Agricultural Economics, 20(1):57-66.
  54. Modak, P.C and Barmon, B.K. (1996). “Demand for Fertilizer in Bangladesh-A Note”, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, 19(1&2):97-103

 Conferences / Seminars

International Conferences:

 1.  Name of the Research Paper: Economic Evaluation of Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System on Soil Fertility for Modern Variety (MV) Paddy Production in Bangladesh

Name of the Seminar: Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues organized by International Agricultural Association of Economists (IAAE)

Place and Date: Gold Coast, Brisbane, Australia, 12 -18 August, 2006.

2.  Name of the Research Paper: Sustainable Farming System and Natural Resource Utilization: Evidence from the Rice-prawn Gher Farming System of Bangladesh

Name of the Seminar: How to sustain Agrosphere, Biosphere and Geosphere

Place and Date: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 7-9 August, 2006.

3.  Name of the Research Paper: Indigenous Natural Resource Utilization and Modern Variety (MV) Paddy Production in Bangladesh: Evidence from the Rice-prawn Gher Farming System

Name of the Seminar: Environmental Economics and Natural Resources and Poverty Alleviation

Place and Date: Wageningen University, PO Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands, 17 -19 May, 2006.

Name of the Research Paper: Agricultural Technology Adoption and Land Productivity: Evidence from the Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh 

Name of the Seminar: Agricultural Economics and Transition: “What was expected, what was observed, the lessons learned”-A joint IAAE-EAAE seminar

Place and Date: Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB), Budapest, Hungary, 6 -8 September, 2007.

 5. Name of the Research Paper: Impacts of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) Irrigation System on Water Productivity, Profitability and Household Income of Modern Varieties (MV) of Paddy Producer in Bangladesh

Name of the Seminar: Transformation of Agriculture and Food Economy in Asia. The 9th Asian Society of Agricultural Economics (ASAE) International Conference, 2017.

Place and Date: Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 11 -13, January, 2017.

Conferences in Japan:

6.  Name of the Research Paper: Impact of Rice-prawn Gher Farming on Household Income in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District 

Name of the Seminar: The Farm Management Society of Japan

Place and Date: Tokyo University of Agriculture, Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan, 15 -18 July 2004.

7.  Name of the Research Paper: Local Technology Adoption and Its’ Diffusion Process: Evidence from Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System of Bangladesh

Name of the Seminar: The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan

Place and Date: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,

15 -18 July 2005.

8.  Name of the Research Paper: Land Tenure System of Rice-prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Khulna District 

Name of the Seminar: The Farm Management Society of Japan

Place and Date: Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 15 -18 September, 2005.

9.   Name of the Research Paper: Rice-Rice Farming to Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh: An Economic Analysis of Input use and Output of two Farming Systems 

Name of the Seminar: The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan

Place and Date: Okinawa International University, Okinawa, Japan, 28 -30

March, 2007.

10.   Name of the Research Paper: Technological Change, Soil Quality and Land Productivity: Evidence from the Rice-prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh 

Name of the Seminar: The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan

Place and Date: Utsonomiya University, Utsonomiya Japan, 26 -28 March, 2008.

  • Agricultural Economics
  • Rural Development
  • Technological Change
  • Poverty Alleviation