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Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (MS in CSE)

Home/Graduate/Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (MS in CSE)

Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (MS in CSE)

Major Areas:
The Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (MS in CSE) program is organized into four major areas:

Data Science
Software Engineering
Systems Engineering

A student will have to declare her/his major area during enrollment into the program. However, a student can change her/his major area before the start of the second semester with the permission of the Chairperson of the Department.

Admission Requirements:
Minimum GPA of 2.50 in both SSC and HSC Examinations. or
Candidates must have passed University of London and Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level in at least five subjects and ‘A’ Level in at least two subjects. Only the best five subjects in ‘O’ Level and best two subjects in ‘A’ Level will be considered. Out of these seven subjects, a candidate must have at least 4B’s or GPA of 4.00 in the four subjects and 3 C’s or GPA of 3.5 in the remaining three subjects. (in the scale of A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 and E=1).
Candidates must have a 4-year Bachelor degree in any of the following disciplines with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 point scale or equivalent standing from any recognized institution:

  • Computer Science and Engineering/ Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Software Engineering/ Information and Communications Engineering/ Equivalent
  • Any engineering discipline with calculus, statistics, and programming (pre-requisite course(s) needed)
  • Any physical/mathematical/biological science discipline with calculus, statistics, and programming (pre-requisite course(s) needed)

Candidates must have passed HSC/Equivalent program from Science group.

Candidates must pass an admission test administered by the university.

Study Track:
A student can pursue the MS in CSE program in either of two tracks:

Thesis Track
Project Track

A student will have to declare her/

his study track during enrollment into the program. However, a student can change her/his study track during the progress of the program with the permission of the Chairperson of the Department.

Length of the Program:
The length of the MS in CSE program is 3 semesters (one year). However, students may take up to 15 semester (five years) for completing the degree.

MS in CSE Program Cost:

 Name of Programs 
 Total Credit 
 Fee per Credit 
 Tuition Fees 
 Lab & Activities Fees 
 Admission Fee 
 Grand Total 

Degree Requirement:
A candidate for the degree of MS in CSE must complete at least 33 credits with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 point scale. The course requirements will be as follows.

Thesis Track
Course Category
Number of Courses
Compulsory Courses for all Major Areas
Compulsory Courses from Major Area
Elective Courses from Major Area
Master Thesis


Project Track
Course Category Number of Courses Credit
Compulsory Courses for all Major Areas 3 9
Compulsory Courses from Major Area 2 6
Elective Courses from Major Area 5 15
Master Project
Total   33

Course Summary:

Compulsory Courses for all Major Areas Credit Comment
Non-credit pre-requisite (if not done in the Bachelor program)

CSE503 Data Structures 3 Pass or Fail
Compulsory Courses

CSE504 Algorithms 3
CSE505 Database Systems 3
CSE596 IT Project Management and Entrepreneurship 3

1. Major Area: Data Science Credit Comment
Non-credit pre-requisite (if not done in the Bachelor program)    
CSE506 Artificial Intelligence 3 Pass or Fail
Compulsory Courses    
CSE520 Statistics for Data Science 3
CSE521 Machine Learning 3
Elective Courses    
CSE522 Data Mining 3
CSE523 Digital Image Processing 3
CSE524 Computer Vision 3
CSE525 Pattern Recognition 3
CSE526 Bioinformatics Algorithms 3
CSE527 Big Data Analytics 3
CSE560 Distributed Systems and Algorithms 3

2. Major Area: Software Engineering Credit Comment
Non-credit pre-requisite (if not done in the Bachelor program)    
CSE507 Information System Analysis and Design 3 Pass or Fail
Compulsory Courses    
CSE550 Software Engineering 3
CSE551 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 3
Elective Courses    
CSE552 Simulation and Modeling 3
CSE553 Software Architecture 3
CSE554 Human Computer Interactions 3
CSE555 Advanced Database System 3
CSE556 Web Programming 3
CSE560 Distributed Systems and Algorithms 3
CSE565 Mobile Programming 3
CSE521 Machine Learning 3
CSE522 Data Mining 3
CSE526 Bioinformatics Algorithms 3
CSE527 Big Data Analytics 3

3. Major Area: Networking Credit Comment
Non-credit pre-requisite (if not done in the Bachelor program)    
CSE508 Computer Networks 3 Pass or Fail
Compulsory Courses    
CSE560 Distributed Systems and Algorithms 3
CSE561 Advanced Network Services and Management 3
Elective Courses    
CSE562 Wireless Networks 3
CSE563 Cellular Networks 3
CSE564 Network Security and Systems 3
CSE565 Mobile Programming 3
CSE521 Machine Learning 3
CSE522 Data Mining 3
CSE527 Big Data Analytics 3

4. Major Area: Systems Engineering Credit Comment
Non-credit pre-requisite (if not done in the Bachelor program)    
CSE509 Digital Logic Design 3 Pass or Fail
Compulsory Courses    
CSE5570 Internet of Things 3
CSE571 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3
Elective Courses    
CSE572 ASIC Design Using FPGA 3
CSE573 VLSI Design 3
CSE574 Robotics 3
CSE575 Embedded Systems 3
CSE521 Machine Learning 3
CSE522 Data Mining 3
CSE527 Big Data Analytics 3
CSE560 Distributed Systems and Algorithms 3
CSE561 Advanced Network Services and Management 3

Thesis/Project Credit Comment
CSE597 Master Project 3
CSE599 Master Thesis 9