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Annual BIDS Conference on Development ABCD and East West University

Dec 05, 2021

ABCD held during December 1-3 at a city hotel listened to the thoughtful articulation of the leading economists and social scientists of the country on the achievements and challenges facing Bangladesh at its Suborno Joyonti. Governance, Poverty, Disparity, Rural Advancement, Challenges in higher education. Online teaching-learning, unplanned urbanization, climate change and environmental issues, narrow base of exports dependence on RMG and Knitwear etc saw learned research papers and erudite commentaries thereon.

On 02 December a session was allocated to the economics department of East West Univertsity. The session was chaired by Professor Mohammed Farashuddin and conducted by Dean Professor Enamul Haque. Assistant Professor Nazmul Hoque presented a theoretically sound evaluation of online education forced by Covid-19. The results show a kind of grade inflation perhaps prompted by cheating. Senior Lecturer Abeer Khandker presented his research on the present boom and possible challenge of the RMG industry. Nazmul Hoque findings attracted many comments from the learned audience.

Dr Farashuddin in describing his experience in teaching online in a public and a private university in the last four semesters stated that the faculty members have to become more alert. He found good effects in forcing exams and presentations in person because he could innovate and set questions difficult to answer even in an open book exam unless the students pay attention in the class.