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Call for Research Proposals-Round 9(Extension of Time)

May 31, 2016

East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) invites proposals for its 9%” Internal Funding Round. This research fund is a seed grant provided to researchers affiliated with academic Departments for conducting research activities in accordance with the University research policy. Such grants are aimed at nurturing and sustaining a vibrant research community at EWU by engaging academics and researchers from all faculties/fields.

Application Procedure: Guidelines for application can be downloaded from the website of the EWUCRT. Please send a soft copy of your research proposal to as well as submit a hard copy to the office of EWUCRT. For further information, please call us at 09666775577 Ext. 387

Key Dates: Extended Proposal Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2016

 The Policy for Research Funding

  1.  Junior faculty members of the University are encouraged to submit proposal for funding. Preference will be given to a proposal which is developed jointly by both junior and senior faculty members.
  2. Each proposal will be reviewed anonymously by academic scholars in the relevant field/discipline and final decision for funding will be made by the Research Council (RC).
  3. The proposal should include detailed expenses (wherever applicable) in the proposed budget as outlined below:

              a. Salary of Research Assistants, Field Investigators, Data Entry Operators, etc;

              b. Expenses for data collection, costs for purchasing equipment are not to be covered by the grant; such equipment maybe, purchased separately using the University budget;

              c. Travel expenses for conducting field trip;

              d. Other recurrent expenditures;

              e. Publishing and printing research report;

              f.  Progress of the research will be reviewed every three months and the status report must be submitted by the researcher(s) on a regular basis;

              g. Maximum duration for the research project should not exceed 12 months; however, exceptions can be made on case-by-case basis, with prior permission from EWUCRT.

Research Proposal Guideline

  1. Research Problem should be clearly spelt out in the proposal to formulate research objectives and questions. The proposal must be specific and clear in terms of its objectives and research questions. For this, the following questions should be addressed:

              a. What would you like to conduct in your research?

              b. Why would you like to conduct this research?

              c. How will the findings of the research be used or useful?

       2. An extensive review of the relevant literature will be required and a critical review of what has been written on the issue should be included in the proposal. The review of literature should help determine the methodology of the research, avoid duplication (of research), and add value to the society/community and academia.

       3. Research questions and hypothesis should be clearly stated in the proposal.

      4. The research process begins the moment one chooses a topic. Research method is used to answer the research questions. Please state the procedures and techniques that you will use to collect the data. In addition, you need to focus on data analysis process, analytical framework and ethical considerations as the research will focus on human issues. In the proposal, you also need to justify the research design you choose.

       5. Proposal must include a schedule (timetable) and detailed budget. Every expense in the budget must be justified on a separate sheet.

       6. Some of the above questions may be readdressed for experimental research such as clinical study. However, the research proposal must be clear in formulating objectives and research questions. Furthermore, the proposal should clearly define its expected output.


Professor Muhammed Shahriar Haque, Ph.D. 

Executive Director 

East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT)