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Closing Ceremony of International Conference and Robo-Fest 2019 at East West University

May 03, 2019

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), East West University (EWU) and Japan-Bangladesh Robotics and Advanced Technology Research Center (JBRATRC) are collaborating to organize the First International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology 2019 (ICASERT 2019) and International Robo-Fest 2019 at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on May 3-5, 2019, technical co-sponsored by the IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Bangladesh Chapter. The closing ceremony of ICASERT 2019 was held on May 5, 2019 (Sunday) at 4:00 p.m. ICASERT 2019 is one of the largest technical events on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology in Bangladesh. This conference aims to provide a unique opportunity for professionals, scientists, engineers, educators, researchers and students from all over the world to exchange their scientific ideas, views, and thoughts with fellow researchers and participants. All the papers have undergone a thorough and rigorous double-blind review process. Senior IEEE Fellow, Professor Dr. Vincenzo Piuri, Italy served as General Chair of the Technical Program Committee.