Department of Social Relations, EWU organized a webinar on, “The Second Wave of COVID 19: Overview on Testing and Treatment”
Nov 27, 2020

Department of Social Relations, East West University organized a webinar on, “The Second Wave of COVID 19: Overview on Testing and Treatment” on 25th November, 2020 (Wednesday) at 8.30 pm to 10.00 pm on Google Meet. The webinar was chaired by Professor Dr. Md. Mobarak Hossain Khan, Chairperson, Department of Social Relations. Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury, Honorary Professor & Advisor, Department of Social Relations; Chairperson, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), and Member Board of Trustees, East West University graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Keynote speech on COVID 19 testing options was delivered by the Guest Speaker Dr. Nasreen Farhana, MBBS, M.Phil. (Microbiology), Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM). The In-house Speaker Dr. Marzia Zaman Sultana, MBBS, MPH, MPhil. (Preventive and Social Medicine), Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Relations, East West University discussed on the national guidelines on clinical management of COVID 19.
At the beginning Dr. Mobarak Hossain Khan welcomed everyone and discussed about the recent upsurge of corona infection around the world resulting in lockdown for the containment of the much feared second wave. He also talked about the recent development in corona vaccine research and its future application. Dr. Nasreen Farhana currently working in NIPSOM corona lab shared her experience on corona testing and according to her rate of positive cases showing an upward curve in the last two weeks in Bangladesh. She has given a theoretical overview on the options of corona testing using different techniques. She also mentioned the process of corona testing in government facilities and the way of receiving results through online facilities. Dr. Marzia Zaman Sultana has discussed about the national guideline on detection of corona cases by clinical signs and symptoms and epidemiological linkage, categorization of mild, moderate and severe cases and treating them accordingly at home isolation with telemedicine or at hospital facility following the clinical algorithm.
Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury put emphasis on the preventive measure for controlling corona infection as developing countries like Bangladesh may not get the benefits of corona vaccine due to affordability and environmental issues in near future. Every speaker suggested using mask, frequent handwashing, maintaining physical distancing, avoiding overcrowded places and seeking medical care in presence of symptoms. Many distinguished faculty members and a huge number of students actively participated in the question answer session. The program chair thanked everyone for their support and participation at the end.