ECPA remembered the father of the nation through presented a virtual event named “Shopnodroshtar Proyan”
Sep 05, 2021

15th August, the darkest day for the Bengali nation. On this day, we lost the father of our nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahnman in a dark night of 1975. Like every year, our club, East West University for Performing Arts (ECPA) remembered him through our cultural program. The program went on with the name, called ‘Shopnodroshtar Proyan’. This time, East West University for Performing Arts (ECPA) has remembered the father of the nation through presenting a drama called ‘Shomaptir Oshomapti’. In this drama, artists of the drama floor of ECPA portrayed a pure love for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The drama had gone on, showing how the students of a university from 1975s were eager to welcome our father of nation to their institute. However, their dream of done something great for Bangabandhu gets collapsed when they came to know about the tragic death of Bangabandhu. However, they remembered what Bangabandhu always told Bengali people not to lose hopes and every Bengali is the future of Bangladesh who can bring betterment in the future of the nation if everyone stays united. The whole drama had shown how Bengalis were influenced in better ways by our father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This program had been perfectly done with the help of the floors of music, designing, anchoring. After watching the program, the honorable moderator of ECPA, Nikhil Chandra Shill sir praised to all the members of the club for their performance. Keeping the issue of the current pandemic in mind, ECPA had set this cultural program in an online platform, Facebook. The program broadcasted from the official page of the club at 8.30 PM on 15th August. Overall, every audience had satisfied with the program and wishing for more good works from the club in the future.