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Esho Robot Banai – Press Conference

Oct 06, 2018

The country’s first science-based television reality show GPH Steel Esho Robot Banai’s first road show was completed. Department of Computer Science and Engineering jointly with the EWU Robotics Club organized the Esho Robot Banai Press Conference (broadcast on Channel I) at East West University on 6th October 2018. Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, East West University was the chief guest of the program. Dr. Ahmed Wasif Reza, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mr. Shykh Seraj, Founder Director and Head of News, Channel I, and Mr. Mehdi Shams, Founder and President, CRID USA joined the program as special guests. Among others, the program was attended by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun, Advisor, MBA and EMBA Programs, Mr. Nahid Hassan Khan, Advisor, Department of Student’s Welfare and Head of Career Counseling Center, and Dr. Mohammad Salah Uddin, Assistant Professor of CSE Department and Moderator of EWU Robotics Club.

Earlier on 24th September 2018, a campus-wide activation campaign for this program named Road Show with Artcell and CRID USA was organized successfully. On that program, participants shared their ideas. Twenty-one ideas were collected and six among those were given as challenges to the EWU Robotics Club Hardware Research and Development team to build within the next forty-eight hour. The challenged was to make three robots from the six ideas. However, members of EWU Robotics Club Hardware Research and Development team build four robotics and hardware automation projects in the given time.

At the press conference, chief guest and other guests shared their valuable speech regarding robotics development and other issues. In the end, Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin, Mr. Shykh Seraj, Dr. Ahmed Wasif Reza, and other guests inspect the robot, build by Robotics Club members and appreciate all the projects.