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EWU arranges a workshop for enhancing skills of teaching

Aug 06, 2016

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University (EWU) arranged a Workshop on “Bloom’s taxonomy, Course Lesson Plan and Preparation of MCQ” at the Faculty Lounge of EWU campus, Aftabnagar, Dhaka on 06 August 2016. The workshop arranged in collaboration with World Bank-funded project: Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP).

This workshop focused on an in-depth analysis of how to plan the academic course and how to achieve the course outline from students. All the faculty members of EWU were the participant on the day-long workshop.

Prof. M. M. Shahidul Hassan, Vice Chancellor of EWU inaugurated the workshop. On this occasion, he said that the number of higher educational institute of our country is gradually increasing, but the quality of higher education could not run on that level. So, he suggested to every university for evaluating by himself to compare with the better universities and set a goal for uplift the teaching quality of their institutions. Prof. Khairul Alam, Director, IQAC and Dr. Sufia Islam, Additional Director, IQAC of EWU were the resource persons of the workshop. Some question and answering sessions were also held on the occasion.