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EWU Student Won the Best Presenter Award at AIUB Student Conference

Dec 14, 2022

Students from the Department of English, East West University attended and presented their research papers at “Discover English 2022: Student Conference on English Language and Literature” organized by American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), in collaboration with TESOL Society of Bangladesh on 8 December 2022 at AIUB Campus. A total of 126 research papers from 24 public and private universities across Bangladesh were presented at the day-long conference. Tanjila Hossen, a student of MA in ELT, East West University received the “Best Presenter Award” for her paper “Analysis of Brave Movie in the Light of Language and Culture”. Apart from Tanjila, two students from MA in English, Faria Rahman and Nijhum Dhar, and three undergraduate students, Raisa Nuzhat, Sumayia Bintee Amin and Maisha Sadia, also presented their papers in the conference.

The presenters stated, “Our papers were adapted from our term papers, submitting which is an integral part of EWU’s regular academic activities. We want our achievement to serve as an inspiration for our peers to work hard on their assignments”. They mention that participating in the conference has allowed them to meet researchers from other universities in Bangladesh and ultimately helped them to enhance their knowledge on the field of research. The presenters also expressed their heart-felt gratitude to their faculty members who encouraged them to take part in the conference and guided them in preparing their presentations.

Prof Dr. Biswajit Chanda, a member of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, graced the event as the Chief Guest. Lady Syeda Sarwat Abed, Founder and Senior Director, Brac Institute of Languages (BIL), Brac University, Professor Dr. Md Abdur Rahman, Pro-Vice Chancellor of AIUB, and Prof Dr. Tazul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, AIUB attended the event as Special Guests.