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Lecture on Protection of Personal Data held on East West University

Feb 10, 2020

A lecture titled “Protection of Personal Data: Historical Developments, Global Trends and Lessons for Bangladesh” held on 26th of January, 2020 at East West University. It was the first lecture of the Law Lecture Series arranged by the Department of Law, East West University, as an early celebration of the Data Privacy Day 2020. The lecture was conducted by Dr. Mohammad Ershadul Karim, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The lecture was focused mainly on the necessity of personal data protection law and policy in Bangladesh.  It is argued that most of the big corporations have the technology and technological capacities to monitor every individual. Without data protection law the huge amount of data generated by users is susceptible to misuse and misappropriation. Thus, data protection law should be enacted in Bangladesh for the protection of the right to privacy as guaranteed under Article 43 of the Constitution of Bangladesh. The speaker also referred to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU) and the legal mechanisms adopted in Malaysia concerning data protection as a model for data protection regulations. The lecture was organized with a view to inspiring the law students to explore new avenues of law and technology and sensitize them about the consequences of sharing personal data on the internet. More than ninety students from the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Department of Law, East West University have attended the lecture.

The lecture was graced by the presence of Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhuq Mamun, Pro-Vice Chancellor, East West University as the Cheif Guest and Dr. Fouzia Mannan, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, East West University as the Special Guest. At the outset, the distinguished speaker, guests and audiences were greeted by Mohammad Ataul Karim, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, East West University. The program was chaired by Dr. Mehedi Hasan, Assistant Professor & Chairperson, Department of Law, East West University who also paid the vote of thanks.

The news is covered in the Daily Star: