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Participation of Workshop on “Status of the IQACs at Private Universities: Ways to Step Forward”

Feb 27, 2020

The Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance (SPQA) Division of University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh arranged a day-long workshop “Status of the IQACs at Private Universities: Ways to Step Forward” on 28 January 2020 at UGC Auditorium, Agargaon, Dhaka. The Director of IQAC of East West University, Professor Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon, attended in the workshop. Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidulla, Chairman, University Grants Commission, graced the workshop as chief guest in the event. Dr. Sultan Mahmud Bhuiyan, Director of SPQA briefly explained the topic entitle “The Present Status of IQAC: Reflections on Experiences and Challenges in Effective Functioning” in private universities. The Honorable Vice Chancellors and a total of 42 Directors of IQAC from different private universities actively participated in the workshop. The Honorable Vice Chancellors and Directors of IQAC shared their views and experience about the roles and functions of IQAC of their respective universities. It was a fruitful interactive discussion in the workshop.