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Webinar on “Motivational Training Workshop” on 27 March 2021

Mar 28, 2021

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University (EWU) arranged a webinar on “Motivational Training Workshop” on 27th March 2021. Departmental officers or secretaries of all the departments of East West University were the principal participants of the webinar. Mr. Mashfiqur Rahman, Registrar, EWU, shared his precious insights on “Achievement of Student’s Satisfaction is a Challenge” and Mr. Md. Aftabuzzaman, Chief of HR & Logistics, EWU, provided his invaluable suggestions on “Providing Students’ Services Related to HR & Logistics”. Mr. A. Z. M. Shafiqul Alam, Treasurer, EWU, shared about his prolonged and inspiring work life experience with the participants.

Our three esteemed speakers motivated and advised the departmental officers to be more cautious about their responsibilities and emphasized on the importance of student satisfaction. Director of IQAC, Professor Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon expressed gratefulness to all the contributors and participants. His suggestions included the importance of connectivity with the newly admitted students and their parents as it will not only provide assistance to the students but will also play a central role in building a good image of our beloved university. The participants expressed their respective queries to the speakers regarding their limitations of responsibilities and about other various aspects of their job in the question and answer (Q&A) session at the end of the of the workshop. They also shared about their work experience and about the challenges one might encounter. Overall, the event ended on a happy note with everyone expressing their greetings and agreeing the on the importance of ensuring student’s satisfaction.