Workshop and orientation program on “Teaching Learning Methods and Practices”
Sep 25, 2019

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University had organized a two-day long workshop and orientation program on “Teaching Learning Methods and Practices” during the period of 13-14 September 2019 at S.M. Nousher Ali Lecture Gallery for the faculty members who have joined in the semester of Summer and Fall, 2019. Honorable Vice Chancellor and Chairperson of Quality Assurance Cell (QAC) of East West University, Professor Dr. M.M. Shahidul Hassan had given his valuable suggestions on “Role of a university in 21st century” which will help to develop carrier for the newly appointed faculty members of EWU. He had mentioned that quality assurance is a global practice now and the teaching learning methods of university level education should be shifted from teacher-centric to student-centric and outcome-based education (OBE) methods in order to consider the student’s demand. Followed by the fruitful speech of Honorable Vice Chancellor, external resource person Dr. Bari Kahar, Chief Learning Officer of E2D Education Services, USA, had facilitated the workshop and shared his expertise on student-centric and outcome-based education (OBE) with the faculty members.
Professor Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin, Dean of Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, Professor Dr. Anup Chowdhury, Dean of Faculty of Business and Economics and Dr. Fouzia Mannan, Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences briefly discussed about Service Rules, Administrative Rules and Carrier Path of faculty members of EWU, respectively.
Respected resource persons- Professor Dr. A. K. Enamul Haque, Dept. of Economics, Professor Dr. Anisul Haque, Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, and Professor Dr. Khairul Alam, Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering had further facilitated the workshop for newly appointed faculty members. Professor Dr. A. K. Enamul Haque and Professor Dr. Anisul Haque had elaborately explained “Teaching learning methods” of university level education using examples and “How to become a good teacher?” respectively. Professor Dr. Khairul Alam, Ex-Director of IQAC had provided a brief idea about the quality assurance on higher university education. Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Director of IQAC had chaired the program and delivered welcome speech and concluding remarks. At the end of the workshop, Dr. Barmon had expressed gratitude to all respected speakers, respected resource persons, chairpersons, faculty members and supporting staffs to make the workshop successful.
A total of 66 faculty members including chairpersons of 14 departments, nominated faculty members by chairperson, and 33 newly appointed faculty members were presented in the orientation program and workshop. The main motivation of the workshop was enhancing quality of education through implementing outcomes-based education.