Workshop on “BAC Program Accreditation Process: PLO- CLO Mapping”
Jun 19, 2023

On Saturday, 17 June 2023, the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East-West University (EWU) organized a day-long workshop on “BAC Program Accreditation Process: PLO- CLO Mapping” for the members of the Program Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC) of the academic program BA in English, and all faculty members of BSS in Sociology, BSS in Information Studies, and B.Sc. in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. The workshop started with a welcome address by the Director of IQAC Professor Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon. Professor Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun, Pro-Vice Chancellor was present at the event and gave directions for the success of the workshop.
Professor Dr. Ahmed Wasif Reza, Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Additional Director of IQAC conducted the whole session and discussed on different aspect of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) such as OBE framework, Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective domains (KSA), Writing formula of CLO, CLO-PLO mapping, CLO-PLO-KSA-Assessment mapping, PLO (Graduate Attributes), Calculation of CLO and PLO attainment, Template of CLO-PLO attainment, SLT calculation sample, CQI Process (CLO, PLO, PEO), Sample Course Outline, Sample Moderation form, Sample CQI form, Sample Question Paper, Sample Project Description, Rubrics of Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective domains, etc. Professor Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Director, IQAC, also facilitated the workshop.
The session was highly interactive. Twenty-two faculty members participated in this event and thanked the EWU authority and appreciated the IQAC for organizing this type of program. The fruitful workshop ended with concluding remarks by the Director of IQAC. Director expressed his immense gratitude to the entire participant for making the workshop a complete success.