Workshop on “Teaching-Learning and Practices”
Mar 02, 2019

IQAC had organized a day-long orientation program and workshop on “Teaching-Learning and Practices” on 2nd March, 2019 held at East West University.
Honorable Vice Chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor had given their valuable speech and suggestions on university education that will help to develop carrier for the newly appointed faculty members in EWU. They had further mentioned that the improvement of the quality of education at the university level is a continuous process and urged to all the faculty members to explore new ideas in research and education. Professor Dr. Mozammel Huq Azad Khan, Dean, Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, Professor Dr. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dr. Fouzia Mannan, Dean of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences discussed about Service Rules, Administrative Rules and Carrier path of the faculty members of EWU, respectively. Professor Dr. Khairul Alam, Ex-Director of IQAC had given a brief idea about the activities and the role of IQAC in higher university education. Professor Dr. Anisul Haque, Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Professor Dr. A. K. Enamul Haque, Dept. of Economics and Professor Dr. Md. Shahriar Haque, Dept. of English had further facilitated the workshop for the faculty members of the faculty of Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Business and Economics and Faculty of Liberal Arts and Liberal Arts of EWU, respectively. Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Director of IQAC and Associate Professor of the Department of Economics had chaired the program. A total of 62 newly appointed faculty members of Summer, Spring & Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 were present in the orientation and the workshop.