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Workshop on “Outcome-based Curriculum”

May 23, 2021

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University organized a webinar on “Workshop on Outcome-based Curriculum” for the faculty members of the Department of Business Administration, East West University on Saturday, 22 May 2021.

The webinar started with a welcome address by Professor Dr. Basanta Kumar Barmon, Director, IQAC, EWU. Following his speech, Professor Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamum, Pro-Vice Chancellor, East West University delivered an inspirational speech highlighting the importance of training of teachers on Outcome-Based Curriculum.

Professor Dr. S. M. Kabir, Member, Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC), presented the webinar topic “outcome-based curriculum” in great details and with sufficient examples. He accommodated all questions asked during the presentation. The presentation was aided by a well-designed PowerPoint package. Professor Kabir covered all aspects of OBC in minute details with his vast knowledge on the subject.

There was an open discussion (Q/A) at the end of the presentation where a good number of participants joined. The webinar ended with vote of thanks from Dr. Farhana Ferdousi, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Business Administration (DBA), EWU, who also conducted the webinar.

The participants expressed their gratitude to the resource person of the webinar, Professor Dr. S.M. Kabir for his valuable time, the EWU Authority for approval and IQAC for arranging this pertinent webinar. The event was attended by 46 faculty members from DBA. The participants found the program useful and relevant to curricula design and program development. IQAC has plans to hold similar events in the future.