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About/Centers/IQAC News

Workshop on “Updating Curriculum of B.Sc. in Civil Engineering Program: Addressing the Remarks of UGC”

Dec 31, 2023

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University (EWU) organized a day-long workshop on “Updating Curriculum of B.Sc. in Civil Engineering Program:  Addressing the Remarks of UGC” for the faculty members of the Department of Civil Engineering (CE), which was held on 29 December (Friday) 2023. The program began with a welcome address by Dr. Md. Naimul Haque, Chairperson and Associate Professor, Department of CE. First, the Chairperson discussed the comments of UGC to revise the curriculum and prepared a work plan to update the curriculum accordingly. After several brainstorming sessions, the course flow chart, teaching- learning and assessment strategies of all the courses of B.Sc. in Civil Engineering program was updated to accommodate the comments of UGC.

A total of five faculty members of the department of CE participated in the workshop. In concluding the program, the Chairperson of the Dept. of CE thanked the participants and the IQAC for organizing this workshop. The participants expressed their gratitude to the EWU authority and IQAC for the smooth arrangement of the program.