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BriefCase 2.0- For the Second Time

Jul 09, 2020

BriefCase reminds one of what? A box full of clothes or papers? But the BriefCase of EWUBC is the epitome of an amazing experience for the undergrads.

East West University Business Club has gathered the courage to organize the very first virtual national competition of Bangladesh 'BriefCase 2.0- Inter University 360° Business Strategy Competition' sponsored by DARAZ Bangladesh Limited.

This competition took its first step on 18th June through the beginning of 'Registration'. It went for the next 7 days and ended on 25th June. A virtual workshop had been successfully done on that day as well by the Managing Director of Adcomm Limited, Nazim Farhan Chowdhury. In the middle of this registration process, our partners helped us to reach as many people as possible. There had been two live radio shows held on 18th June and 21st June by our Radio partner, Radio Today and Coverage partner, Jago FM. Also four articles got published in four distinct news portals through our Youth Content Partner, Knowledge Partner, Online Media Partner and English Online Media Partner.

A record breaking number of 515 teams registered in BriefCase who got the case of the first round on 26th at 12 am. All of these teams are from 47 universities around the country. Solving a case based on an e-commerce business in the best way took 50 teams to the next round, Semi-Final. These 50 teams have received the case for the semi-final on 30th June. They've been given a task to do Facebook campaigning on Daraz. Their work will be monitored for 5 days and the capable teams will be leading the Grand Finale for the ultimate championship.

For a successful execution, 'BriefCase 2.0 - Inter University 360° Business Strategy Competition' sponsored by Daraz Bangladesh Limited has partnered up with various organizations as well. As partners 'BriefCase 2.0' has; Torun as Youth Content Partner, Radio Today as Radio Partner, Jago FM as Coverage Partner, Financial Express as English Online Media Partner, Samakal as Online Media Partner and ICE Business Times as Knowledge Partner.