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Curtain Comes Down On BriefCase 2.0

Jul 14, 2020

What's inside the BriefCase? Aren't you tired of hearing that? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yes, you're having the right thought, now we know what's inside the BriefCase 2020. Enquiring minds want to know, no? Let's stop the idle chatter and cut to the chase, shall we?

Yet again, East West University Business Club successfully organised BriefCase 2.0 sponsored by Daraz Bangladesh Limited. The world could be crumbling down yet they're always living up to their reputation. To get BriefCase 2.0 running, the official registration began on 18th June, 2020. This year's BriefCase 2.0 left their mark since the first day after officially launching the event with its distinctive features. With no surprises, more than 500 teams registered for this competition.

BriefCase 2.0 surely had a different and fascinating look than ever with the entire event being held online due to the pandemic situation around the world. But that didn't stop East West University Business Club from doing what they do best, every round was filled with thrill, excitement, suspense and fun all at the same time. Just like a package.

This year the organizers divided the whole event into 3(three) segment. The case solving round where more than 500 teams battled the hard battle and only 50 teams stepped forward into the Semi-Final with their splendid triumph. The Semi-Final round had its intensity and thrill where competitors had to run a Facebook campaign for 5(five) days on Daraz Bangladesh Limited. Each team had the same task, so you can imagine the competition and the high intensity among the participants. It ended on 5th July, 2020. Top 10 teams from the Semi-Final round marched their way into the Grand Finale of BriefCase 2.0 sponsored by Daraz Bangladesh Limited. One last battle between the top 10(ten) teams standing. All worthy opponent, a legendary battle took place on 10th July.

The final round is always filled with tension, excitement. Final round is the ultimate battlefield. The final round of BriefCase 2.0 sponsored by Daraz Bangladesh Limited, was held online where the chosen teams from the Semi-Final round were given a case to solve and give a presentation online in front of the judges. They battled one last battle to conquer the other finalist. No matter how intense the battle is, there's always one undefeated winner. Team Kar-98 conquered every other team and they were awarded BDT 25,000. It's the near-heroic feets that allowed them to come out on top. After hours of hard work, dedication and discipline a total of 3 teams came on

top. Team Grey Matters as the Second Runner-up who got themselves a reward of BDT 10,000, Team Agun came as the 1st Runner-up and they were awarded an amount of BDT 15,000.

BriefCase 2.0 gave us another intense, amusing final round. All of a sudden a certain person's appearance made the final round more charming and livelier. It is when, none other than, Dr. Md. Abdul Momen, the Moderator of East West University Business Club made his appearance among the finalists and the judges to congratulate the winners and to thank the judges. His wise words will certainly help all the teams in their future success.

With great sponsors comes great events. Take BriefCase 2.0 for an example. You can't pull of an event of this calibre without great sponsors say for Daraz Bangladesh Limited as their title sponsor, Torun as Youth Content Partner, Radio Today as Radio Partner, Jago FM as Coverage Partner, Financial Express as English Online Media Partner, Samakal as Online Media Partner and ICE Business Times as Knowledge Partner. They sure played their cards right.

BriefCase 2.0 has been one legendary ride. One thing is for sure, it’s becoming a habit of East West University Business Club to successfully organise any event. East West University Business Club just taught us that “It’s your inner faith that will create your external results”. They turned doubters into believers with BriefCase 2.0 sponsored by Daraz Bangladesh Limited. Kudos.