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Victory Day In-house Programming Battle 2021 by EWUCoPC

Jan 16, 2022

East-West University Computer Programming Club organized a successful programming contest on campus after a long break of pandemics. This time the program is Victory Day special, named “Victory Day In-house Programming Battle 2021". The program took place at East-West University Department of Computer Science on 18th December 2021. Around 50+ contestants took part in this battle. The registration started from 13 December to 17 December and got a quite good response. On 18 December, from 11:00 Am to 2:00 Pm, after a long battle of 3 hours we got our top 5 programmers. We honored them with crest, books and certificates in our prize-giving ceremony which was attended by our respected Associate Professor Dr Ahmed Wasif Reza sir. He cordially accepted our invitation and came to the prize-giving ceremony and give prizes to the top participants and volunteers. EWUCoPc thank him for his valuable time. A special thanks to the Career Counselling Centre (CCC) of East-West University for letting EWUCoPC organize this session. EWUCoPc will continue bringing such events in near future and expand the zests of programming.