Faculty Members Publication
Journal Publication
- Sadia Nowrin, Papiya Nazneen and Lafifa Jamal, “Design of a Compact Reversible Read-Only-Memory with MOS Transistors”, International Journal of VLSI Design and Communication Systems (VLSICS), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 69-84, October, 2015.
Conference & Seminars
Sadia Nowrin, Lafifa Jamal and Humayra Tasnim, “An Efficient Approach to Design A Reversible Signed Multiplier”, TENCON, IEEE- Region 10 Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1-6, October, 2014.
Sadia Nowrin, Lafifa Jamal and Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu, “Design of an Optimized Reversible Bidirectional Barrel Shifter, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Montreal, QC, pp. 730-733, May, 2016.
International Journal
2019: Samiha Tamanna, Tirtha Nandi, Rafar Shahriar, Md Abdul Barek, and Mohammad Zamsad, "In-vitro Comparative Dissolution Study of Different Brands of Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride Available in Bangladesh." International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 26, no. 2 (2019): 556-561.
Scientific Writing
- 2021: Uso dei probiotici e dei prebiotici in dermatologia. Possono essere considerati come potenziali protagonisti della skin and hand care del futuro? , Scientific Article in Italian Magazine "Cosmetic Technology"
- 2020: Probiotics, A Precise New Protagonist in Skin Care, https://www.emotionmaster-studentproject.eu/post/probiotics-a-precise-new-protagonist-in-skin-care
- 2020: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Potential Amalgamation, https://www.emotion-master-studentproject.eu/post/artificial-intelligence-inhealthcare-a-potential-amalgamation
- 2020: Delving into The Era of Nanotechnology Pursuing Nanomedicine, https://www.emotion-master-studentproject.eu/post/delving-into-the-era-ofnanotechnology-pursuing-nanomedicine
- 2019: Autophagy, a Vanquishing Process of Human Immunity, http://alsew.org/lifescience/autophagy-vanquishing-process-human-immunity/
Conference & Seminars
Abstract published in conference proceedings:
- Samiha Tamanna, Rupali Ghosh, Md. Sakib Reza, Md. Sojibul Islam and Noor Muhammad Khan. Evaluation and correlation of the various side effects along with comorbid conditions, following the administration of covid-19 vaccines, in Bangladesh. International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICPS-2023), 11-12 May 2023, State University of Bangladesh.
- Farhana Rizwan*, Forhad Monjur, Mamunur Rahman, Samiha Tamanna, Noor Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Rafiqul Islam, Saumen Karan, Samira Alam, Lamia Mariyam. Burnout risks in Bangladeshi Physicians: A multicenter, cross-sectional study. The 2nd International Conference on “Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, and Traditional Medicines”, 10-11th February 2023, University of Dhaka.
- Participation in 9th Annual Congress of the European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM-2022), 3-5 October 2022, Virtual Congress.
Conference Attended:
- THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023. 10-11th February, 2023. University of Dhaka.
Journal Publication
- Shaker, Fahim & Reaz Hafiz (2014). “ Personal Branding in Online Platform” Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, Vol. 3, Number 3/2014, ISSN: 2305-9168p; 2307-9592e
- Reaz Hafiz (2015) “Rethinking Brand Identity to Become an Iconic Brand – A Study on Pepsi” Asian Business Review, Vol. 5, Issue 3/2015 ISSN: 2304-2613p; ISSN:2305-8730e
- Reaz Hafiz (2015) “Strategies for Overcoming Fear to Become an Elegant Presenter”, ABC Journal of Advanced Research, Vol. 4, Number 2/2015, ISSN: 2304-2621p; 2312-203Xe
- Dewan Muhammad Nur – A Yazdani, Reaz Hafiz (2016). “Structural retail environment and people’s intention to purchase”. The Chartered Secretary -A Corporate Professional Journal, April-June, 2016.
- Dewan Muhammad Nur – A Yazdani, Reaz Hafiz (2016). “Detect, Prevent and Respond: A Theoretical Study on Cyber Crime”. The Chartered Secretary – A Corporate Professional Journal, July-December, 2016.
- Mazharul Islam, Kowshika Sarker, Trisha Das, Rezwana Reaz, and Md. Shamsuzzoha Bayzid, STELAR: A statistically consistent coalescent-based species tree estimation method by maximizing triplet consistency, BMC Genomics, 21:136. (PDF)
Journal Publication
Kaminy, Khadijatul. "Gender and Environment in Amitav Ghosh's Nonfiction: Encountering Climate Change and Nuclear Threat." Women's Link vol.31, no.2, July 2024, pp.90-98.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. "Reconstructing Feminist Ecocriticism: A Critical Study of Amitav Ghosh's Selected Novels." Women's Link vol. 30, no. 01, January 2023. pp 41-47.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Decoding the Sundarbans: ‘Other’ Space in The Hungry Tide.” Dialogics, vol. 1, January 2021, pp.137-146.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Translating Humayun Ahmed: Exploring the Strategies.” Exposure: The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 7, no.1, June 2021, pp.68-76.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Gun Island: An Experiment with Fictional Time.” Spectrum vol.14 and 15, January 2018-2019, pp.126-133.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Julius Caesar: The Essence and Illusion of Democracy.” Erothanatos, vol.3, no.1, 2018, https://www.erothanatos.com/vol3issue1. Accessed 23 December 2022.
Conference Presentation
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Transcending Otherness: Queer Ecofeminism and Questions of Identity in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness,” International Conference on The Trans-Phenomenon in Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), 15-16 November 2024, Dhaka. IN. Conference Presentation.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “‘She would not need to apologize for how she had spent her time on this earth’: Women and Work in Amitav Ghosh’s Fiction.” Women in World Literature, University of Warwick, 22-23 June 2022, Coventry, England, IN. Conference Presentation.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Engaging with the Environment: Non-western Food Practices.” Non-western Approaches in Environmental Humanities. University of Warsaw, 11-13 July 2022, Warsaw, Poland, IN. Conference Presentation.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Translating Humayun Ahmed: Exploring the Strategies.” Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation, East West University, 25-26 January, 2019, Dhaka. IN. Conference Presentation.
Other Publication
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “গন্তব্য.” My City My Home, Birmingham, 2021, pp. 430-433.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Where Reality Meets Fiction.” The Daily Star, 21 April 2018, p.11.
Conference Proceeding
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Engaging with the Environment: Non-western Food Practices.” IN: Non-western Approaches in Environmental Humanities. 11-13 July 2022, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
Journal Publication
N. B. Rab and R. H. Moutushi, “Is ‘Greening’ the Key to Sustain in Global Market for Bangladeshi Readymade Garments Industry?”.International Journal of Business and Management, R-12(3), (2017), P.135.
- N.K. Saha and R. H. Moutushi , “Corporate governance and Firm performance: The role of the board and the audit committee”. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, Vol.10, No. 1, (2018)
- Das, U., Moutushi, R.H. and Tofa, N.N, “Factors influencing the Bank’s performance: Comparative study between fourth generation and top banks of Bangladesh”. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Vol 6, No 4 (2020)
Available at: https://nidisag.isag.pt/index.php/IJAM/article/view/513
Md. Rashidul Islam, Md. Ziaul Haque & Rehnuma Hoque Moutushi | Collins G. Ntim (Reviewing editor:) (2022) Earnings quality and financial flexibility: A moderating role of corporate governance, Cogent Business & Management, 9:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2022.2097620
- N. B. Rab and R. H. Moutushi , “Greening RMG: a key to sustain in global market for Bangladeshi RMG Industry”.2nd International Conference on Business Research, Department of Business Administration, East West University, R-2(1), (2016), P.3.
- R. H. Moutushi, S.Shams and N.K. Saha, “Factors influencing customer usage of Mobile Banking: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh”. The Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research, Vol.6, (2018).
1. Co- presented a paper in International Conference on The Trans-Phenomenon in Language, Literature, and Culture organized by the Department of English, ULAB (University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh)
(15th and 16th November,2024)
Title of the paper: Tawaifs as Victims of Societal ‘Trans’formation in Pre-independent India: A Retrospect on Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi.
2. Presented a paper in International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity, co-organized by the Department of English, East West University and ALTEB (Association of Teachers of Literatures in Bangladesh)
(28th and 29th July,2023)
Title of the paper: Causes behind the Closets: Representation and the Politics of Homophobia in Sanjoy Nag’s Memories in March and Jhumpa Lahiri’s Lowland.
3. Presented a paper in the two-day International Conference on Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies organized by the Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. (7th and 8th January,2022.)
Title of the Paper: The Complexities of Diasporic Existence – Redefining Identities and Questioning the stability of Relationships in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies and Unaccustomed Earth.
4. Presented a paper in the two-day International Conference on In Retrospect: 50 Years of Bangladesh in Literature and Culture organized by ATLEB’s (Association of Teachers of Literatures in English, Bangladesh). (14th and 5th January,2022)
Title of the Paper “Redefining Women’s Identity and the Representation of the New Age Women in Nasiruddin Yousuff’s Guerrilla.”
5. Presented a paper in The Salerno Conference on Bangladeshi English Novels: From Emergence to Efflorescence. (24th and 25th June,2021)
Title of the Paper: “The Complexities of Transnational Identity and Nazneen’s Concept of Agency in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane.”
6. Abstract for the ULAB Afghan Colloquium: “From Kabuliwala to the Fall of Kabul: Afghanistan in Popular Imagination” had been accepted. (30th and 31st October,2021.)
Title of the Paper: “Enkindling Feminism: A Complex Feminist Approach in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns.”
7. Presented a paper in International Conference on Magic and Literature, 27-28 May 2016: , organized by Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB):
Title of the Paper:-"Wingardium Laviosa: Levitation of Witchcraft from Macbeth To Harry Potter."
Journal Publication
1.Afreen, Sadia. "The Complexities of Diasporic Existence: Redefining Identities in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘Mrs. Sen’s’ from Interpreter of Maladies." Erothanatos, vol. 6, no. 2, May 2022, pp. 38–48.
2. 2. Afreen, Sadia. "The Diasporic Dilemma in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘Hell-Heaven’ from Unaccustomed Earth." The Changing World Order and the Postmodernism Theory and Practice, Notion Press, 2 Sept. 2022, pp. 21–27.
3. Afreen, Sadia. "The Complexities of Transnational Identity and Nazneen’s Concept of Agency in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane." New Literaria: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, vol. 5, no. 2, Aug.-Sept. 2024, pp. 10-18.
1. Attended a workshop on “Teaching Literature through Theory”, Organized by ATLEB, facilitated by Dr. Fayeza Hasanat, Professor, University of Central Florida.
Date- 18th December 2022.
2. Attended a workshop on “Writing and Publishing in Literary Studies” Organized by ATLEB, Conducted by Professor Fakrul Alam, Professor, University of Dhaka.
Date: 29th July 2022.
3. Attended a workshop on “Creative Writing-Tips and Tricks on writing story plots”, Organized by TESOL Society of Bangladesh, facilitated by Professor Shamsad Mortuza, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, ULAB
Date: 18th November, 2021
4. Attended a workshop on “Sustainable Teaching: Engagement Beyond Classroom” Organized by Department Of English, East West University, facilitated by Dr. Wendy Ashby, Faculty Support Center, Cochise College, Arizona, USA.
Date : 17th November,2022
Presented Conference Papers
- Jahan, I, Ameer, S and Tahsin, S 2024, ‘A critical study of Rajkahini: Affective pedagogy to teach human dimension of history’, paper presented at Critical Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies and Communication in English Studies, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 24-25 May
- Ameer, S 2024, ‘Sentimental analysis: Bridging Romantic Poetry, Ecocriticism, and Machine Learning in Digital Humanities’ paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: (Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, 16-17 February.
- Ameer, S 2023, ‘Women’s Resistance Through Time: A Feministic Interpretation of Outlander’ paper presented at Mapping Gendered Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture, Department of English, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, 5 May
- Ameer, S 2023, ‘Hybridity, Unhomeliness and Resistance: A Postcolonial Interpretation of The White Tiger’ paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Refugee, Resistance, and Recognition: Global Literary Representations in [Post]post-colonial Perspectives, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, 24-25 February.
- Ameer, S 2021, 'Triple Marginalization of Afghan Women in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns', paper presented at From Kabuliwala to the Fall of Kabul: Afghanistan in Popular Imagination, ULAB, Dhaka, 30-31 October
- Ameer, S 2017, Pride and Prejudice and Fifty Shades of Grey: Wealthy Heroes and Smitten Heroines, paper presented at 200th Jane Austen’s Commemoration, ULAB, Dhaka, 20-21 April
International Publications
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2022, ‘Manifestation of Remix Culture in Bollywood Songs: A Postmodern Analysis’, Erothanatos, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 69-82.
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2018, 'Pride and Prejudice and Fifty Shades of Grey: Wealthy Heroes and Smitten Heroines'. Erothanatos, vol. 2, no. 4, 2018, pp. 88-97.
Training and Workshops
- Professional Development Workshop, BELTA, East West University, 2022
- Qualitative Research (and NVivo), CRT, East West University, 2024
National Publications
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2022, ‘The Redeemed Mariner: A Post-Pastoral Reading of ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’’, Harvest, vol. 37, pp. 7-16.
Columns and Articles
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2023, '10 Best Books That Transport You to South Asia'. Pratik: A Magazine of Contemporary Writing, vol. xviii, no. 1-2, pp. 217-239.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSKRGP4F?ref=myi_title_dp - Ameer, Shahnaz 2022, '10 Best Novels by South Asian Authors Since the 2020 Pandemic'. The Business Standard, 30 December, pp. 13.
https://www.tbsnews.net/features/book-review/10-best- novels-south-asian-authors- 2020-pandemic-560242
Research Papers
Akter, H., Rajbangshi, J. C., Faruk, O., Shill, D. K., & Rouf, A. S. S. (2024). Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for routine analysis of osimertinib. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 27(1), 85-91.
Hossain, M. J., Faruk, O., Lira, D. N., Shill, D. K., & Rouf, A. S. S. (2024). Design and evaluation of hair growth-hair fall oil formulation from botanicals. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 27(1), 9-18.
Faruk, O., Shill, D. K., Lira, D. N., Rouf, A. S. S., & Kumar, U. (2023). Full factorial design assisted RP-UHPLC method development and study of stressed degradation of molnupiravir. Drug Analytical Research, 7(2), 9-22.
Conference Proceedings
Faruk, O., Hossain, M. J., Shill, D. K., Lira, D. N., Alam, M. M., & Rouf, A. S. S. (2023). Studies of hair fall and hair growth activities of Hg-Hf formulations, 2nd International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, and Traditional Medicines, Dhaka (10-11 February 2023).
Masrur, A. H., Rabbani, G., Akter, A., Anika, S. N., Riya, S. R., Faruk, O., & Rashid, H. A. (2023). Reverse-Phase Wet Granulation Technology Aided Development of Rifampicin Immediate Release Tablet, 2nd International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, and Traditional Medicines, Dhaka (10-11 February 2023).
Speaking Engagements
Oral presentation on "Development and Optimization of Imatinib Sustained Release Dosage Form through QbD Approach” at the 2nd International Conference on “Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, and Traditional Medicines,” organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka (11 February 2023).
Journal Publication
Jobaid, M. I., Khan, M. M., Rahman, M. R., Sarkar, M. I., & Hasan, R. (2015). Factors Influencing Job satisfaction of the Employees of Tannery in Bangladesh . International Journal of Business and Management Review , 64-69 .
Hossain, M. A., Hasan, R., Kibria, M., & Mazmum, M. A. (2017, December ). Factors Influencin the Usage of 3G Mobile Services: An Empirical Study on Bangladeshi Young Citizens. North South Business Review, 8(1), 16-28.
Journal Publication
Tabassum, Mehnaz. “Signing in the Global Classroom: The Millennials’ March towards Post-Culture and Institution, and a World that is Same (?).” International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL) by Center for Pedagogy at Independent University, Dhaka, April 22-23, 2016, Alam, Mahbub; Asaduzzaman, A.S.M.; Al Marjuk, Obydullah, Center for Pedagogy, IUB, September 1, 2016.
Conference & Seminars
- August 16-18, 2016: 9th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures, organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia at Penang, Malaysia
Paper Title: Life in a cocoon: A study of over-Surveillance and over-documentation in a panoptical world
- May 27-28, 2016: International Conference on Magic and Literature, School of Arts and Humanities (SAH), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Paper Title: The death of magic and drought (or overfeeding?) of imagination: A study of a world at its wits end and the future of literature
- April 22-23, 2016: International Conference on Teaching and Learning – Education in the Current World: Pedagogy, Research and Social Change, Center for Pedagogy, Independent University, Bangladesh
Paper Title: Signing in the Global Classroom: The Millennials’ March towards Post-Culture and Institution, and a World that is Same (?)
- March 3-4, 2016: International Conference – The River: Flows of Innovation and Exchange in the Global(i)zed English World, Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University, Bangladesh
Paper Title: Written on the Walls: A Study of Literary Expressions of the Mass across Cults to Creeds, Benches to Streets and Timelines to Tweets
- February 19-20, 2016: 4th International Conference on “English Studies and the Marketplace”, Department of English, East West University, Bangladesh
Paper Title: Literature in the pieces: Keeping calm in a world of quote cards, quick facts and one-liners
- September 16, 2016: “The last train home“, From Daily Observer Weekend Editorial
- September 5, 2016: “Is blaming your game?“, From personal column “Thinking out loud” in Daily Observer Editorial Page
- August 29, 2016: “19 to 24: The invisible years“, From personal column “Thinking out loud” in Daily Observer Editorial Page
- August 11, 2016: “Songs of the soul”, From personal column “Thinking out loud” in Daily Observer Editorial Page
- June 19, 2016: “The craftsman and his unfinished art”, Father’s Day special OP-ED in Daily Observer
- May 8, 2016: “Mother’s Day: Tohura’s Story”, Daily Observer Editorial on Mother’s Day
- March 6, 2016: “Of humans and mothers”, Daily Observer OP-ED on Women’s Day
- October 11, 2015: “The heirloom”, Final part of Short Story series in Daily Observer
- October 4, 2015: “The precious praying mat”, Second part of Short Story series in Daily Observer
- September 20, 2015: “The Wardrobe”, First part of Short Story series in Daily Observer
- May 12, 2014: “Mothers, daughters and dreams”, Book Review in The Daily Star
- May 10, 2014: “The perfect ending?”, Short fiction in The Daily Star
- March 8, 2014: “The unsung questions”, Short story in The Daily Star
Time series projection of COVID-19 pandemic using ARIMA model and machine learning
• S.M. Masudur Rahman, Mohammad Shakil Mahmud, Abu Naser Mohammad Said, Rehnuma Mostafa, Bushra Humyra Esha, “Time series projection of COVID-19 pandemic using ARIMA model and machine learning”. Wroclaw University science and technology, FAC computer science management, Poland, ISSN: 2081-8858
Unmad: Can leadership help survive the satirical magazine?- A Case From Bangladesh
• Unmad: Can leadership help survive the satirical magazine? - a case from Bangladesh, Bloomsbury, Case study on leading and strategizing for organization across context, December 2023, Kohinoor Biswas, M Sayeed Alam, Bushra Humyra Esha
Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping: An empirical study on Dhaka city, Bangladesh
• Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping: An empirical study on Dhaka city, Bangladesh, October 2018, Cogent Business & Management, Mohammad Anisur Rahman, Md. Aminul Islam, Bushra Humyra Esha, Nahida Sultana
ICT Access For the Smallholder Farmers: Adoption and Strategies for Rural Areas of Bangladesh
• Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Sultana, Rabeya and Esha, Bushra Humyra : ICT Access For the Smallholder Farmers: Adoption and Strategies for Rural Areas of Bangladesh, Journal of Business Administration , vol.39 , no.1 , pp.101-128 , 2018
- Mostofa Rafid Uddin, Sazan Mahbub, Md Saifur Rahman, and Md Shamsuzzoha Bayzid. SAINT: Self-Attention Augmented Inception-Inside-Inception Network Improves Protein Secondary Structure Prediction. Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press. [Link]
- Md Jakaria, Kowshika Sarker, Mostofa Rafid Uddin, Md. Mohaiminul Islam, Trisha Das, Md Shamsuzzoha Bayzid, Rameen Shakur. eMED-DNA: An in silico operating system for clinical medical data storage within the human genome. Preprint available at: bioRxiv (2019): 814830.
Research Publications
Rahaman, A., & Saha, S. (2020). Negative emotions in fieldwork: A narrative inquiry of three EFL researchers’ lived experiences. The Qualitative Report, 25(12), 4128-4208.
Saha, S. (2017). EFL students’ ‘unmotivation’ toward writing classroom: Bangladeshi university teachers’ narrative reflections. BELTA Journal, 1(1), 46-63. doi: https://doi.org/10.36832/beltaj.2017.0101.03
Saha, S. (2016). Haggling encounters in Dhaka’s local-service buses: The uncharted discourse. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 18(1), 1-19.
Saha, S. (2014). Addressing the Unaddressed: Considering Specific Teaching Context to Teach Language to EFL Learners through Literature. Language in India, 14(7), 546-563.
Saha, S. (2013). A critical analysis of English language learning guidebooks in Bangladesh. Journal of NELTA, 18(1-2), 133-147.
Research Presentations & Seminar Talk (* indicates refereed, + indicates invited)
*Rahaman, A. & Saha, S. (2019). The narrative machinery and the ideology of text: Essentials for effective translation process. Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 25-26, 2019.
+Saha, S. (2018). Theories of Interpretation and Positioning ELT Researcher. Seminar talk delivered at English Language Resource Center, Independent University in Dhaka, Bangladesh, September 22, 2018.
*Rahaman, A. & Saha, S. (2018). Storying the experience: A narrative inquiry of senior teachers’ identity formation trajectory. Paper presented in “Beyond Pedagogy: New Dimensions in Teaching and Learning”— 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 28, 2018.
*Rahaman, A. & Saha, S. (2018). English Language Education (ELE) research in Bangladesh: The state of the art. Paper presented in: National Conference on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh: Educational Responses, Challenges and Possibilities; 2018 March 31-April 1; Dhaka, Bangladesh.
*Saha, S. (2013). Jawmadar or Cleaner— Who signifies ‘Development’? Ethno-linguistic resistance in Shankhari community. Paper presented at: Multiple Realities of English. 6th BELTA International Conference; 2013 January 18-20; Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Conference proceedings
Tabassum, N., Deea. B. J., Rizwan, F., Islam, S. (2023). “Behavioral alterations caused by pain and inflammation in rodent models”, 5th International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture 2023.
Tabassum, N., Ahmed, N., Rashid, P. T. (2024). Elucidation of Molecular Mechanisms of Vanda Roxburghii (Family: Orchidaceae) in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Utilizing Network Pharmacological Analysis, The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Biomolecules. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2024103010
Ahmed, N., Rashid, P. T., Tabassum, N., Deea, B.J. (2024). Role of Clitoria ternatea (Butterfly Pea) Flower in Endometriosis and Related Pain: a Network Pharmacology Based Investigation and Experimental Validation. The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Biomolecules. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2024103006
Tabassum, N., Munny, F. A., Mahdi, S. F. A. (2024). Current Scenario of Health Care Practices Provided by Dispensers Among Bangladeshi Population. International Public Health Conference (2024).
Hoque, N., Sohrab, H. S., Rashid, P. T., Tabassum, N., Begum, N., Alam, M., Islam, S. (2024). Isolation, identification and bioactivity of endophytic fungi associated with the medicinal plant Clausena excavata Burm (2024). International Conference on Biology, Ecology and Life Sciences.
- Tabassum, N., Sourav, S. H., Nahar, N., Araf, S. S., & Deea, B. J. (2024). Elucidation of molecular mechanism underlying protective effects of delphinidin and related glycosides against colon cancer: A network pharmacology and molecular docking-based approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences.
- Deea, B. J., Sourav, S. H., Tabassum, N., & Ahmed, N. (2024). Evaluating awareness and perception of breast cancer: A survey across demographic groups. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences.
- Tabassum, N., Sohrab, M. H., Zinnuraine, R., Islam, S., & Hoque, N. (2024). Isolation, identification, and bioactivity of endophytic fungi isolated from the medicinal plant Murraya paniculata (Family-Rutaceae). Proceedings of the International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences.
- Tasneem, F., Morshed, S. S., Chowdhory, M. R., Tabassum, N., & Hossain, M. S. (2024). Assessment of the post-phase dengue symptom persistence among the Bangladeshi population: A cross-sectional study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences.
- Hossain, T., Mahmood, I. F., Tabassum, N., Shipa, S. J., & Hossain, M. S. (2024). Susceptibility of Bangladeshi university-going students to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and evaluation of its associated factors: A cross-sectional study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences.
- Chakrobarty, M., Reyda, R, N., Tabassum, N., Deea, B. J., & Ahmed, N. (2024). Exploring the potential of reported flavooids of Clitoria ternetea or butterfly peaflower against Diabetes mellitus as aldose reductase inhibitor throuhj molecular docking. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences.
Published manuscripts
Tabassum, M., Ahmed, N., Majumder, J., Tabassum, N., & Islam, M. A. (2024). Anthelmintic and analgesic activities of different solvent fractions of crude methanolic extract of Baccaurea ramiflora (Lour.) fruit peels and seeds with molecular docking analysis. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 13(3), 450-460.
Tabassum, N., Deea, B. J., Rizwan, F., & Islam, S. (2024). Behavioral Alterations Caused by Pain and Inflammation in Rodent Models. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 27(2), 201-206. https://doi.org/10.3329/bpj.v27i2.75189
Tabassum, N., Ferdousi, M., Mahadi, S. F. A., Fairuj, A., & Shahriar, S. (2024). The Effect of Covid-19 Vaccines on Menstrual Cycle in Selected Bangladeshi Female Population. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 27(2), 149-157. https://doi.org/10.3329/bpj.v27i2.75183
Hossain, M. S., Tabassum, N., Bary, M. A., Shipa, S. J., & Sarkar, M. R. (2024). Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Bangladeshi Young Adults and Evaluation of the Associated Factors after COVID-19 Pandemic: a Cross-Sectional Study. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 27(2), 182-192. https://doi.org/10.3329/bpj.v27i2.75187
Das, S.C., Hossain, M.S., Tabassum, N., Rahman, M. S., Bachar, S. C., Islam, M.S./ (2024). Phytochemical and Preliminary Pharmacological Evaluation of Diospyros blancoi Fruits. Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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