Faculty Members Publication
1. Huda, S. S., Kabir, M. H., Popy, N. N. & Saha, S. (2020). Innovation in Financial Services: the case of Bangladesh. Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting, 9(1), 31-56. (ABDC – C).
2. Huda, S. S., Saha, S. & Kabir, M. H. (2021). Influence of eCRM on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Study on Bangladesh Fast Food Industry. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 13(1), 30-44. (ABDC – C) (Scopus).
3. Huda, S. S., Saha, S. & Kabir, M. H. (2021). Belt and Road Initiative and South Asia: Opportunities and Challenges. In Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): China’s Global Business Footprint. Centre for Business & Economic Research (CBER), UK. (Book Chapter). |
4. Saha, S., Huda, S. S. & Popy, N. N. (2024). Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain Management: A Study on Food Industry. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 47(4), 519-533. (ABDC – C) (Scopus).
5. Saha, S. (2022). Impact of Supply Chain Management Tools on Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Readymade Garments Industry of Bangladesh. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. (ABDC – C) (Scopus). (in press).
6. Saha, S. (2022). Understanding the Adaptability of Marketing Analytics: A Bangladesh Perspective. Journal of Business Studies, XLIII(2), 29-48.
7. Haha, S. & Kabir, M. H. (2023). Impact of Behavioral Biases on Investor’s Decision. Global Business and Economics Review. (ABDC – C) (Scopus). (in press).
8. Huda, S. S., Saha, S., Kabir, M. H. & Mosharraf, M. H. (2023). Neighborhood Tourism: A Study on Bangladesh Tourism Industry Int. J. of Services, Economics and Management. (ABDC – C) (Scopus). (in press).
Amit Mandal, Mehedi Hasan, Anna Fariha, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed: GSCS - Graph Stream Classification with Side Information. APWeb 2015: 389-400
Quazi Marufur Rahman, Anna Fariha, Amit Mandal, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Carson K. Leung: A Sliding Window-Based Algorithm for Detecting Leaders from Social Network Action Streams. WI-IAT (1) 2015: 133-136
Design and Evaluation of Hair Growth - Hair Fall Oil Formulation from Botanicals.
Hossain, M. J., Faruk, O., Lira, D. N., Shill D. K., & Rouf, A. S. S. (2024). Design and Evaluation of Hair Growth - Hair Fall Oil Formulation from Botanicals. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 27(1), 9-18.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/bpj.
Development of a Validated RP-HPLC Method Using Full Factorial Design for the Analysis of Ramipril.
Hossain, M.J., Shill D.K., Das, S. C., Ahmed, K.S., Hossain, H., Kumar, U. (2024) Development of a Validated RP-HPLC Method Using Full Factorial Design for the Analysis of Ramipril. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 23(1): 93-102, 2024 (June)
Development of Tofacitinib Sustained Released Dosage form and RP-UHPLC method through QbD approach and water-based UV method for analyzing Tofacitinib.
Hossain, M. J., Faruk, O., Shill D. K., Kumar, U., & Rouf, A. S. S. (2024). Development of Tofacitinib Sustained Released Dosage form and RP-UHPLC method through QbD approach and water-based UV method for analyzing Tofacitinib. BCSIR Congress, 8-10 March, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Journal Publication
Title | Journal | Link | Year |
Consumer behavior in outbound tourism: a Bangladeshi
perspective |
International Journal of Management and Development Studies (Vol 8, Issue 1)
Attitude toward social media reviews and restaurant visit
intention: a Bangladeshi perspective |
South Asian Journal of Business Studies
2020 |
Innovation in Financial Services: The Case of Bangladesh
Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting (Vol 9, Issue 1)
2020 |
Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain Management:
A Study on Food Industry |
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
2021 |
What factors influence consumer overconsumption of food?
An investigation from Dhaka during the Covid19 Pandemic. |
International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
2022 |
Adaptation of Telemedicine during the COVID-19: Evaluating
Perceived Quality and Acceptance |
BUFT Journal of Business and Economics (BJBE)
2023 |
Workshops and Training
Training on Research Methodology for the faculty members of East West University
East West University Center for Research and Training.
September 19, 2019 to October 17, 2019
Organizer/ Place | Year
Seminar on Factors Influencing Adoption of Cloud Computing in Higher Educational Institutes of Bangladesh
Organizer: Department of Business Administration
Place: DBA conference hall |
November 07, 2019
- Md Sohanur Rahaman, Asuva Arin, Ume Farwa, Myeongki Park, Sang Ho Bae, Byong-Taek Lee, ECM Derivatized Alginate Augmenting Bio-functionalities of Lyophilized Mat for Skin and Liver Wound Treatment, Biomaterials (2024),122698, DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2024.122698, IF:12.8
- Arin Asuva, Md Sohanur Rahaman, Ume Farwa, Jaegyoung Gwon, Sang Ho Bae, Yung Kil Kim, and Byong-Taek Lee. An agarose-based TOCN-ECM bilayer lyophilized-hydrogel with hemostatic and regenerative properties for postoperative adhesion management. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2024, 130094. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.130094. IF:7.7
- Arin Asuva, Md Sohanur Rahaman, Ume Farwa, and Byong‐Taek Lee. Faster and Protective Wound Healing Mechanistic of Para‐Coumaric Acid Loaded Liver ECM Scaffold Cross‐linked with Acellular Marine Kelp. Advanced Functional Materials 2023 Feb 12; 2212325. DOI:10.1002/adfm.202212325. IF:18.5
- Front Cover, Advanced Functional Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202370103. IF:18.5
- Al Fahad, Md Abdullah, Md Sohanur Rahaman, Md Sowaib Ibne Mahbub, Myeongki Park, Hyun-Yong Lee, and Byong-Taek Lee. Endothelialization and smooth muscle cell regeneration capabilities of a bi-layered small diameter vascular graft for blood vessel reconstruction. Materials & Design 2023 Jan, 111488. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111488. IF:7.6
- Rahaman Md Sohanur, Park Seong-su, Kang Hoe- Jin, Sultana Tamanna, Gwon Jae-Gyoung, Lee Byong-Taek. Liver tissue-derived ECM-loaded nanocellulose alginate-TCP composite beads for accelerated bone regeneration. Biomed Mater. 2022 Aug 24;17(5). DOI: 10.1088/1748-605X/ac8901. PMID: 35952638. IF:3.9
- Choi Minji, Yang Yu-Bin, Park Seongsu, Rahaman Sohanur, Tripathi Garima, Lee Byong-Taek. Effect of Co-culture of mesenchymal stem cell and glomerulus endothelial cell to promote endothelialization under optimized perfusion flow rate in whole renal ECM scaffold. Mater Today Bio. 2022 Oct 18;17:100464. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtbio.2022.100464. PMID: 36325425; PMCID: PMC9619032. IF:8.7
- Rahaman Md Sohanur, Md Afjalus Siraj, Md Arman Islam, Prayas Chakma Shanto, Ordha Islam, Md Amirul Islam, and Jesus Simal-Gandara. "Crosstalk between xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibiting and cancer chemotherapeutic properties of comestible flavonoids-a comprehensive update." The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (2022): 109147. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2022.109147. IF:4.8
- Joo, Gyeongjin, Tamanna Sultana, Sohanur Rahaman, Sang Ho Bae, Hae Il Jung, and Byong-Taek Lee. Polycaprolactone-gelatin membrane as a sealant biomaterial efficiently prevents postoperative anastomotic leakage with promoting tissue repair. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 32, no. 12 (2021): 1530-1547. DOI: 10.1080/09205063.2021.1917107. IF:3.6
- Sultana, Tamanna, Monir Hossain, Sohanur Rahaman, Yong Sik Kim, Jae-Gyoung Gwon, and Byong-Taek Lee. Multi-functional nanocellulose-chitosan dressing loaded with antibacterial lawsone for rapid hemostasis and cutaneous wound healing. Carbohydrate Polymers 272 (2021): 118482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118482. IF:10.7
- Rahaman, Md Sohanur, Md Afjalus Siraj, Sabiha Sultana, Veronique Seidel, and Md Amirul Islam. "Molecular phylogenetics and biological potential of fungal endophytes from plants of the Sundarbans Mangrove." Frontiers in microbiology (2020): 2821. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.570855. IF:4.0
- Siraj, Md Afjalus, Md Sariful Islam Howlader, Md Sohanur Rahaman, Jamil A. Shilpi, and Veronique Seidel. Antinociceptive and sedative activity of Vernonia patula and predictive interactions of its phenolic compounds with the cannabinoid type 1 receptor. Phytotherapy Research 35, no. 2 (2021): 1069-1079. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.6876. IF:6.1
- Nahar, Mst Nazmun, Amit Kumar Acharzo, Md Sohanur Rahaman, Iffat Ara Zabeen, Shariful Haque, and Md Amirul Islam. Phytochemical screening and antioxidant, analgesic, and anthelmintic effect of ethanolic extract of Merremia umbellate stems. Clinical Phytoscience 6, no. 1 (2020): 1-11. DOI: 10.1186/s40816-020-00232-6. IF:2.6
- Airin, Sadia, Rahul Dev Bairagi, Sharika Noshin, Md Sohanur Rahaman, Ritu Porna Biswas, Amit Kumar Amit Kumar Acharzo, and Md Amirul Islam. "Comparative Pharmacological Evaluation of Mangrove Plant Xylocarpus mekongensis Pierre and Associated Fungus." European Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 3, no. 5 (2023): 11-15. Doi: 10.24018/ejpharma.2023.3.5.73
1. Kobra, K., "Beyond Monuments: Deterritorializing Historical Memory and Social Action through Ephemeral Art," presented at The Trans-Phenomenon in Language, Literature, and Culture (TPLLC), organized by the Department of English & Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, 15-16 November 2024.
2. Kobra, K., "Intersecting Webs of Power, Identity, and Trauma: A Comparative Study of Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre," presented at the International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity, East West University, Dhaka, 28-29 July 2023.
3. Kobra, K., "Interconnected Realms: Nature’s Significance in Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun and Never Let Me Go through a Posthumanist Lens," presented at the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: (Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, 16-17 February 2024.
4. Kobra, K., "Transmedial Narratology in Future Classrooms: Exploring Pedagogical Benefits of Literary Adaptations and Retellings at Tertiary Level," presented at the Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh Conference: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies, and Communication in English Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 24-25 May 2024.
Professional Development and Training
- Completed a faculty training course titled Effective Communication in 21st Century Classrooms (January–June 2023), offered by the Centre for English Language at State University of Bangladesh.
- Attended a specialized training program, How to Write a Research Proposal, conducted by East West University’s Center for Research and Training (June–July 2023).
- Currently participating in Teaching, Learning, and Research, a faculty development initiative led by the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and East West University’s Center for Research and Training (October 2024–February 2025).
- Akter, S. (2024) ‘The Use of ChatGPT for Essay Writing Assignments by Bangladeshi Undergraduate Students’, BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024: Re/Envisioning the Paradigms in English Language Education, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh , 6-7 December 2024
- Akter, S. (2024) 'Khalasi and Maloma: A Discussion on Transculturality in Global Presentation of South Asian Folk Music', International Conference on The Trans-Phenomenon in Language, Literature and Culture, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15-16 November 2024
- Akter, S. Islam, P. (2023) 'Studio Ghibli Characters: Beyond the Boundaries of Gender Norms', International Conference on Mapping Gendered Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 4-5 May 2023
- Akter, S. (2020), 'The Linguistic Features in George Orwell's 1984 Portraying Militant Nationalism', 6th Inter-University Student Conference and Cultural Competition: Of Nations and Narrations, (Online) University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 3-4 September 2020
1. Barua, S., Kar, D., & Mahbub, F.B. Risks and Their Management in Ready-Made Garment Industry: Evidence from the World’s Second Largest Exporting Nation. Journal of Business and Management, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. 24(1): 75-103. 2018.
2. Kabir, M. & Mahbub, F. B. Factors Affecting the Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in Readymade Garment Sector of Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Garment Factories at Dhaka Export Processing Zone. Journal of Business Studies, PUST. 1(1): 120-131. 2018.
Conference Papers
1. Mahbub, F.B., Shetu, J.F. and Jahan, N, (2022), ‘A Trend Analysis of Inward FDI between Vietnam and Bangladesh: Identifying How Vietnam is Doing Better’, International Conference on Economics, Business Management & Social Sciences(IACEBMSS), March 09, 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2. Mahbub, F. B., Kabir, M. and Shetu, J.F, (2021), ‘Factors Influencing the Purchase of Athleisure Footwear in Travel: A Study on Millennials of Bangladesh’, International Conference (Online) on “Nurturing and Transforming Business Practices in Global Village, 30-31 October, 2021, Pune, India.
3.Mahbub, F. B. and Kabir, M, (2021), 'Impact of Customer Trust in Online Shopping Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study on Dhaka, Bangladesh', International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology & Management (IRTM) , 26-28 February, 2021, Kolkata, India.
4. Barua, S., Rana, R. H., Arafin, A. and Mahbub, F. B, (2018), 'The Belt and Road Initiative: Evaluating South Asia’s Trade Potential with China', 4th International Conference on South Asian Economic Development, 22-23 February, 2018, New Delhi, India.
IntellCache: An Intelligent Web Caching Scheme for Multimedia Contents.
Niloy, N.T. and Islam, M.S., 2020, August. In 2020 Joint 9th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2020 4th International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (ICIVPR) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Impact of Label Noise and Efficacy of Noise Filters in Software Defect Prediction
Khan, S.S., Niloy, N.T., Azmain, M.A. and Kabir, A., 2020. In SEKE (pp. 347-352). |
Prioritize Android App Reviews for Effective Version Release.
Rahman, M.A., Mahmud, O., Niloy, N.T. and Siddik, M.S., 2020. ASM Sci. J., 13, pp.21-30.
Predicting an effective android application release based on user reviews and ratings.
Mahmud, O., Niloy, N.T., Rahman, M.A. and Siddik, M.S., 2019, June. In 2019 7th International Conference on Smart Computing & Communications (ICSCC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
ArsenicSkinImageBD: A comprehensive image dataset to classify affected and healthy skin of arsenic-affected people
Ismot Ara Emu, Nishat Tasnim Niloy, Bhuyan Md Anowarul Karim, Anindya Chowdhury, Fatema Tuj Johora, Mahamudul Hasan, Tanni Mittra, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Taskeed Jabid, Maheen Islam, Md Sawkat Ali
CottonFabricImageBD: An image dataset characterized by the percentage of cotton in a fabric for computer vision-based garment recycling
Nishat Tasnim Niloy, Md Rayhan Ahmed, Sinthia Sarkar Ananna, Sanjida Kater, Iffat Jahan Shorna, Sadika Islam Sneha, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Taskeed Jabid, Md Sawkat Ali
REMP: A Unique Dataset of Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh for Sustainable Healing and Biodiversity Conservation
Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Sanjida Rahman, Nahida Hoque, Md Al Mamun, Md Sultan Moheuddin, Md Sawkat Ali, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Saleh Masum, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Nishat Tasnim Niloy, Md Atiqur Rahman
An Extensive Photographic Dataset to Classify Laptop Components for Automating E-waste Management by Recycling Old Laptops.
Islam, M., Niloy, N.T., Hasan, I., Rupin, R.J., Chowdhury, M., Fahim, S.F., Ashhab, M.M., Islam, M.M., Ali, M.S. and Rashid, M.R.A., 2024. An Extensive Photographic Dataset to Classify Laptop Components for Automating E-waste Management by Recycling Old Laptops. Data in Brief, p.111122.
Analyzing User Sentiment in Google Play Store Reviews: A Natural Language Processing Approach
Fahim, S.F., Sounok, S.A., Shaeed, N., Orpa, M.H. and Niloy, N.T., 2024, June. Analyzing User Sentiment in Google Play Store Reviews: A Natural Language Processing Approach. In 2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Ensemble Method for Predicting Student Performance and Dropout Risk
Islam, M., Islam, M.M., Ali, M.S., Niloy, N.T., Chowdhury, A. and Avik, S.C., 2023, December. Ensemble Method for Predicting Student Performance and Dropout Risk. In International Conference on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence & Smart Applications (pp. 269-278). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Conferences and Seminars
- 'An Ecocritical Examination of the Monstrous Modernity in Ray Bradbury’s “The Fog Horn” and “Here There Be Tygers”' (2024) The Trans-Phenomenon in Language, Literature, and Culture, Department of English, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), 15–16 November, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- 'Beautiful Corpses: The Aestheticized Deaths of Ophelia, Porphyria, and Ligeia' (2023) Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity, East West University (EWU) and Association of Teachers of Literatures in English, Bangladesh (ATLEB), 28–29 July, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- 'Improving Learner Motivation Through Activities in an English Literature Class: An Action Research' (2023) Teachers Research! Online 2023, IATEFL Research SIG, 17–18 March.
- 'Sultana’s Dream and the Vision of Sustainable Energy: An Ecofeminist Perspective' (2022) Ruptures and Resilience: English Studies in the Now, Department of English and Modern Languages (DEML), North South University, 4–5 November, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Easmin, T. and Mollah, M. (2022–2023) 'Sultana’s Dream and the Vision of Sustainable Energy: An Ecofeminist Perspective', PANINI: NSU Studies in Language & Literature, 10. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ix1_JiY0_zo9NUZVOKspV4-U1m3gpjOR/view
- Mollah, M. (2023) ‘Beyond the Waking World’: The Significance of Dreams in H.P. Lovecraft’s Works, Spectrum, 17(1), pp. 89–100. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3329/spectrum.v17i1.69003
- Ara, N. and Mollah, M. (2023) 'English for Employability: A Study of English at the Tertiary Level of Education', Journal of SUB, 13(1)
- Mollah, M. (2021) 'Orwellian Dystopias and Green Plums: The Role of Folk Literature in the Face of Totalitarianism', LitWrite Bangladesh, 1(1&2). Available at: https://litwritebd.com/
Workshops and Training
- Attended and helped organise the 2nd TESOL BD National Teacher Training Workshop 2023 with TESOL Society of Bangladesh and Institute of Modern Languages (IML) on 10 November 2023
- Participated in a workshop on Sustainable Teaching: Engagement Beyond Classroom organized by Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) at the Department of English Studies, State University of Bangladesh on 22 November 2022, conducted by English Language specialist Dr. Wendy Ashby
- Attended Association of Teachers of Literatures in English, Bangladesh (ATLEB's) first in-person workshop on Writing and Publishing in Literary Studies on 5 August 2022, conducted by Professor Fakrul Alam and Professor Rezaul Haque
Suma TA, Alam N, Raihan SZ, Zahid MA, Mandal SC, Suchana FJ, Kundu R, Hossain A, Muhit MA. Association of Antibacterial Susceptibility Profile with the Prevalence of Genes Encoding Efflux Proteins in the Bangladeshi Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aur
Kundu, R. ., Nasrin, F. ., Saha, T. ., & Reza, M. S. . (2022). Nanotechnology in COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment: A Bibliometric Analysis. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 25(2), 199–208.
Islam, M. R., Mondol, A. A., Kundu, R., Baroi, J. A., Akter, S., Urmi, T. J., Roknuzzaman, A. S. M., Hossain, M. A., Parves, M. M., Omer, H. B. M., & Kabir, E. R. (2024). Prevalence, associated factors and consequence of problematic smartphone use among a
Taher, M. A., Kundu, R., Laboni, A. A., Shompa, S. A., Moniruzzaman, M., Hasan, M. M., Hasnat, H., Hasan, M. M., & Khan, M. (2024). Unlocking the medicinal arsenal of Cissus assamica: GC‐MS/MS, FTIR, and molecular docking insights. Health Science Reports,
Journal Publication
1. Title: 'The Interaction Among Foreign Direct Investment, GDP Growth and Unemployment Rate in Emerging Economies Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on Bangladesh'
Mahbub, F.B., Shetu, J.F. and Khandker, L.L, (2022), ‘The Interaction Among Foreign Direct Investment, GDP Growth and Unemployment Rate in Emerging Economies Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on Bangladesh’, International Journal of Education, Business and Economics Research (IJEBER) 2 (6): 176-192. ISSN: 2583-3006
Abstract: This study examines Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, Net Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and Unemployment growth and their relationships with each other; whether there’s a structural break for COVID-19; and how Bangladesh can use this information to ensure stable economic growth. Using a qualitative and quantitative approach, this paper uses time series analysis such as Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, Johansen cointegration test, and Granger Causality are used to determine the underlining interconnection and any causal relationship among variables. The Bai-Perron test was performed to identify structural breaks in the series for COVID-19. Long-run equilibrium relationships exist between FDI and GDP growth and between FDI and the unemployment rate. There is a unidirectional relationship between the unemployment rate and GDP and between FDI and the unemployment rate. A structural break exists in all the variables that manifest the extent of the pandemic’s effect. This study proposes several policy reforms too. Even though most recent research has focused on the impact of FDI on both developed and developing countries’ economies during COVID-19; very few studies have focused specifically on Bangladesh, drawing on the impact of FDI on GDP, economic growth, and employment during then by examining the relationship and identifying a structural break among the variables.
2. Title: 'Glass Ceiling for Professional Women: A Study on Bangladesh'
Shetu, J.F. and Ferdous, C.S., 2017. Glass ceiling for professional women: a study on Bangladesh. World, 7(2), pp.78-87.
Abstract: The ‘glass ceiling’ metaphor is used to describe invisible barriers (glass) through which women see elite positions but cannot reach them (ceiling). The scenario poses as if there is not sufficient room for women at the top positions like a board member, authoritarian bodies, and top executive committees. Under such circumstances, whether the glass ceiling exists in Bangladesh, the obstacles the professional women face because of their gender, the kind of support they need, and the factors that assist them to overcome those: these were the research areas of this study. This study gained insight by interviewing high position holder female professionals from versatile and challenging sectors. The barriers found were many: stereotypical undervaluation of women, child-care challenges, social underestimation and disobedience due to professional jealousy, scarcity of family support and additional work efforts due to gender. Factors like support from family and husband, urge for a separate identity, self-determination, educational excellence was found to assist women to shatter the ceiling. The study provides interesting findings that can be rendered useful and essential.
Link: https://zantworldpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/11.-Jannatul.pdf
International Conferences
1. International Conference on Economics, Business Management & Social Sciences (IACEBMSS), March 09, 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Title of the paper: "A Trend Analysis of Inward FDI between Vietnam and Bangladesh: Identifying How Vietnam is Doing Better’
ISBN: 978-93-90150-32-8 (Page no: 61-68). Published by: Institute for Technology and Research (ITRESEARCH)
2. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology & Management (IRTM), February 2021. Organized by Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata; University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata and Jaipur; in collaboration with Taylor and Francis Group. Title of the paper: A Predictive Model Anticipating Consumer Behavior in Online Purchasing in an E-Commerce Environment in the COVID-19 era: A Study on Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. International Conference on Business and Sustainable Development (ICBSD), March, 2018. Organized by Faculty of Business Studies, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. Title of the paper: 'Challenges of Career Women: A Case Study on Public and Private Sector Professionals in Bangladesh'
4. International Conference on Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration, and Development in South Asia and Beyond, November, 2017. Organized by the Public Policy and Governance Program at Department of Political Science and Sociology, North South University, Bangladesh. Title of the paper: Work-Life Balance: A Study on Professional Women in Dhaka
5. 14th Asian Business Research Conference, 2016. Title of the paper: Glass Ceiling in Bangladesh: Women Who Have Broken It.
Conference Proceedings
- Jahan, M.R., Aziz, F.I., Ema, M.B.I., Islam, A.B. and Islam, M.N., 2019, June. A wearable system for path finding to assist elderly people in an indoor environment. In Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (pp. 1-7). [Click Here]
- Islam, M.N., Jahan, M.R., Ali, A., Rony, S., Anannya, T.T., Aziz, F.I., Bayzed, M., Yeazdani, A. and Rabbi, M.F., 2019. Design and development of an intelligent seed germination system based on iot. In Advances in Information and Communication Technologies for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change (AACC'18), November 21-23, 2018, Cali, Colombia (pp. 146-161). Springer International Publishing. [Click Here]
- Rahman, M.A., Liu, S., Li, R., Wu, H., Jahan, M.R. and Kwok, N., 2018, April. A review on brightness preserving contrast enhancement methods for digital image. In Ninth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2017) (Vol. 10615, pp. 794-804). SPIE. [Click here]
Robin, M.T.I., Islam, M.S., Rasel, A.A.S., and Hasan, M. (2023) ‘Real-time face mask detection using deep learning’, International Journal of Applied Information Systems, 12(40), pp. 54–58.
Rasel, A.A.S., and Yousuf, M.A. (2019) ‘An efficient framework for hand gesture recognition based on histogram of oriented gradients and support vector machine’, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 11(12), pp. 50
Rasel, A.A.S. (2019) ‘Identification of anesthesia stages from EEG signals using wavelet entropy and back propagation neural network’, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Neural and Artificial Intelligence, 19(1), pp. 17–20.
Rasel, A.A.S., Siddika, A., and Robin, M.T.I. (2018) ‘A comparison between neural network and support vector machine in classifying static and real-time images’, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET)
Islam, M.M., Ahmed, M.J., Shafi, M.B., Das, A., Hasan, M.R., Al Rafi, A., Rashid, M.R.A., Niloy, N.T., Ali, M.S., Chowdhury, A. and Rasel, A.A.S., 2024. BDMANGO: An Image Dataset for Identifying the Variety of Mango based on the Mango Leaves. Data in Brie
Ferdaus, M.H., Prito, R.H., Rasel, A.A.S., Ahmed, M., Saykot, M.J.H., Shanta, S.S., Akter, S., Das, A.C., Islam, M.M., Hasan, M. and Ali, M.S., 2024. BananaImageBD: A Comprehensive Banana Image Dataset for Classification of Banana Varieties and Detection
Ashrafi, D. M., Iskender, A., & Shahid, T. (2025). Bytes to bites: Investigating QR code menu use behavior and green satisfaction in the restaurantscapes through a hybrid PLS-SEM and machine learning approach. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 1-47. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus)
Ashrafi, D.M., Mone, F. H., Zabeen, M., Sarker, M. A. R., & Shahid, T. (2024). What Drives Users to Recommend Mobile Fitness Apps? A Three-Stage Analysis Using PLS-SEM, Machine Learning, and fsQCA. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-31. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 3.4)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Akhter, M. (2024). The green Fintech paradox: understanding the dynamics of green brand positioning and user decision-making in the digital financial landscape. Journal of Modelling in Management. Ahead of Print (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 2.2)
Chanda, R. C., Vafaei-Zadeh, A., Hanifah, H., Ashrafi, D. M., & Ahmed, T. (2024). Achieving a Sustainable Future by Analyzing Electric Vehicle Adoption in Developing Nations through an Extended Technology Acceptance Model. Sustainable Futures, 100386. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus, Impact factor: 3.3)
Ahmed, S., Chowdhury, U. Y., Ashrafi, D. M., Choudhury, M. M., Ahmed, R., & Ahmed, R. (2024). Speak, search, and stay: determining customers' intentions to use voice-controlled artificial intelligence (AI) for finding suitable hotels and resorts. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 4.80)
Ahmed, S., Ashrafi, D. M., Ahmed, R., Ahmed, E., & Azim, M. (2024). How employee engagement mediates the training and development and work–life balance towards job performance of the private banks?. The TQM Journal. Ahead of Print. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 3.80)
Ashrafi, D. M. (2024). Technology Takes the Wheel: Unveiling the Drivers of Car Dashcam Adoption. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2450024. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.8)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Maoua, J. (2024). Harvest to basket: understanding drivers of organic food purchase behaviour through interpretive structural modelling and MICMAC approach. Journal of Modelling in Management. Ahead of Print. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.5)
Ashrafi, D. M., Ahmed, S., & Shahid, T. S. (2024). Privacy or trust: understanding the privacy paradox in users intentions towards e-pharmacy adoption through the lens of privacy-calculus model. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. Ahead of Print. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 3.0)
Ahmed, S., Ahmed, R., Ashrafi, D. M., Ahmed, E., & Annamalah, S. (2024). Building Trust in Cybernetic Payment Network: Insights from an Emerging Economy. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 100331. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Chowdhury, S. M., Habiba, W., Chowdhury, S. H., Alam, M. S., Zabeen, M., & Sarker, M. A. R. (2024). Rigidity or fluidity? Does variety-seeking vary based on perceived threat during the COVID-19 pandemic? Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 46(2), 197-211 (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Easmin, R., & Anwar, T. (2023). Funding Dreams, Fueling Causes: Individuals' Behavioral Intentions Toward Donation-Based Crowdfunding. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 20(4). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Easmin, R. (2023). Okay Google, Good to Talk to You… Examining the Determinants Affecting Users’ Behavioral Intention for Adopting Voice Assistants: Does Technology Self-Efficacy Matter?. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 20(02), 2350004. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.8)
Ahmed, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., Choudhury, M. M., Rahman, M. K., & Mohiuddin, M. (2023). Determining the intention to use app-based medicine service in an emerging economy. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-15. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Ahmed, S., Hawarna, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., & Rahman, M. K. (2023). Mediating role of lean management on the effects of workforce management and value-added time in private hospitals. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 5.76)
Ashrafi, D. M., Alam, I., & Anzum, M. (2021). An empirical investigation of consumers’ intention for using ride-sharing applications: Does perceived risk matter?. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 18(08), 2150040. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.8)
Ahmed, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., Choudhury, M. M., Rahman, M. K., & Mohiuddin, M. (2023). Determining the intention to use app-based medicine service in an emerging economy. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-15. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Alam, I., Ashrafi, D. M., & Kabir, M. R. (2023). Buy or Die: An Investigation of Consumers’ Intention to Engage in Unusual Purchasing Behavior Through the Lens of Stimulus-Organism-Response Approach. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 31(1), 324-463. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ahmed, S., Hawarna, S., Alqasmi, I., Mohiuddin, M., Rahman, M. K., & Ashrafi, D. M. (2022). Role of Lean Six Sigma approach for enhancing the patient safety and quality improvement in the hospitals. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-11. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Easmin, R. (2023). The Role of Innovation Resistance and Technology Readiness in the Adoption of QR Code Payments Among Digital Natives: A Serial Moderated Mediation Model. International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management, 18(1). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ahmed, S., Islam, R., Ashrafi, D. M., Alqasmi, I., Choudhury, M. M., Rahman, M., & Dhar, B. K. (2023). Effects of lean and six sigma initiatives on continuous quality improvement of the accredited hospitals. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-13. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Kabir, M. R. (2023). Human or AI? Understanding they key drivers of customers' adoption of financial robo-advisory service: The role of innovation resilience. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 19(1), 19. (Indexed by Scopus)
Hawarna, S., Ahmed, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., Rahman, M. K., & Paraman, P. (2023). The Intricate Relationship of Employee Engagement and Lean Approach toward Quality Improvement of the Public Hospitals. Hospital topics, 1-15. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M. (2023). Managing Consumers’ Adoption of Artificial Intelligence-Based Financial Robo-Advisory Services: A Moderated Mediation Model. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 38(3), 270-301. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Al Karim, R., & Barua, A. (2023). Employer branding, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour: A moderated-mediation approach. Organizational Psychology, 13(4), 83–101. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Zannat, N. E., Easmin, R., & Dovash, R. H. (2022). Understanding the drivers of passengers’ intention to engage in digital multi-sided ridesharing platforms: Moderating impact of openness to experience and perceived risk. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 29(2), 305-351. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Dovash, R. H., & Kabir, M. R. (2022). Determinants of fintech service continuance behavior: Moderating role of transaction security and trust. Journal of Global Business & Technology, 18(2). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Habiba, W., & Alam, I. (2020). An assessment of the behavioural intention for using ride-sharing services: Empirical evidence from a developing country. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 24(1), 36-62. (Indexed by Scopus)
Sarker, M. A. R., & Ashrafi, D. M. (2018). The relationship between internal marketing and employee job satisfaction: A study from retail shops in Bangladesh. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 12(3). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ahmed, E., Ahmed, R., Ahmed, S., Choudhury, M. M., Ashrafi, D. M., & Ahmed, R. (2024). Behavioural Intention to Use Voice-Based Artificial Intelligence to Find Hotels and Resorts. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Ashrafi, M. D; Mone, F. H and Sarker, A.R. (2019). An Analysis on work life balance of female doctors in Bangladesh. Presented at International Conference on Business Management arranged by International Islamic University Malaysia, Department of Business Administration, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, Malaysia.
Sarker, A. R. and Ashrafi, M. (2018). Engaging Graduates to be Social Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects. Presented at 24th EBES Conference-Bangkok jointly organized by The Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University,
Sarker, A.R. & Ashrafi, M. (2016). Does Internal Marketing Influence Employee’s Job Satisfaction? A Study From Retail Shops In Bangladesh. Emerging Trends in Marketing. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Business Research-2016 organized by East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.